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Fukinshin Residence Translations

Fukinshin Residence Doujin CD Full Translation (Re-post of my old translation)

WARNING R-18 ONLY! (This is the format when you ask me to translate a full CD) DO NOT share/ reblog/ repost my translation without my permission! If you want to share it to other social media network, please credit me, do not take it as it's yours! Special thank you to Morgan-san for becoming my Patron and commissioning this translation! Please purchase to audio to support the voice actor: Indiscreet Residence; My Lewd Relationship With The Handsome Instructor Next Door Please do not rely 100% of my translation! Track 01 Nice to meet you (00:06) -Intercom- Yes? New manager? (based on linguistic it’s supposed to be an administrator, but manager can also work on this context) Yes, please wait a minute. I’m going to come now. (00:20) -Opens the door- (00:25) I'm sorry to make you waiting. I was taking a shower. (00:32) Hey new manager put your back out? Oh, I see. I don’t see it recently. Ahh, it's hard for you isn't? Please be careful, as it becomes a habit. To introduce it formally, I’m Toma Kusanagi. Pleased to meet you, new manager. Nevertheless, that's surprising! (01:03) Ah no, it wasn't until the caretaker had a son. Ahh.. It’s nothing. By the way, not a student isn't? Oh I see.. 2 younger than me isn't he? But, because getting old doesn’t change. Graduated from university as now becoming a manager. Oh, I see. But, it’s exactly nice to know, it has various things too. If that's the case, I think it's hard for you until you get used to work, even for many years. If you have any problems, please talk to me. Maybe it can be helpful for your work. (02:04) After that… Because different years too, nice casual talk is okay, isn't it? Be careful. (02:17) I'm not going for a marriage. I'm nervous. (02:27) My body? Oh sorry sorry, because it’s hot, I’m wearing this shirt. (02:41) Wait a minute, this time I’m kind of proud. You can feel both of my waists? I'm a gym instructor in front of station. Everyday muscle training is indispensable. I’ve been starting it in approximately one year. (03:01) Hahaha. No no. That’s not what I meant. This is a celebrity system, but only one-on-one lectures and what I do is not different from normal business. There are some people who have talent or model or something like that, but for me everyone is same. (03:24) -give something- Thanks. Hmm, this (snack’s name, from what I heard he said Howaito Sabure means White Butter Cookies, I googled this lol) (T/N: Hato (鳩) means dove, and the most famous shrines in Kamakura, the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu (鶴岡八幡宮), has the character for “hachi” (八) shaped to look like a dove so Kyujiro decided to make his cookies in the shape of a dove to honor the shrine, source: This is a famous product from Yokohama isn't it? When I was a child, I ate it very often and it melted when it entered my mouth. (03:45) Hahaha. You liked it too, huh? Me? I was born and raised in Yokohama. I lived from senior high school until you moved to Yokohama. (03:55) Ah by unexpectedly.. For a lifetime too in senior high school it happens. Me? I graduated from Yokohane high school. (04:07) From south? I went there by a bike, it was near the brick warehouse isn't it? Yes, that's it. In sport competition as many people tell. The baseball club is a regular at Koshien, as well as soccer and rugby. Ahh it’s so painful when the ground is noisy. There are some guys who cover their ears because they are all screaming. (04:40) It bring back memories, huh. I haven't returned recently. I forgot that I liked white butter cookies (howaito sabure). (04:51) Umm, by the way. Have we met somewhere before? Ah we haven’t, right? Hahaha.. Somehow, because we have so much in common. Ah, no no it’s different. (05:05) I'm sorry, I forgot I didn't mean that. Certainly that it was easy. What was I saying? Yes, I see. Yeah. (05:29) Pleased to work with you from now, new manager. Is the time okay? Sorry for making such a long story. I was talking too much. Okay, see you (opens the door). Track 02 I'm Kusanagi from Room 102 (Ringing) It's me, Kusanagi. Sorry for disturbing you at this night. (Open the door) Good evening, (sniffs) what a nice smell. Is that miso mackerel? I like it. Because my mother often makes this food for me. (0:37) Ah..Speaking of, actually, I lost something. Oh no, it doesn’t mean that the package hasn't arrived yet. (0:50) It seems like my laundry is flown away on the veranda in this room. I wondered if tomorrow is going to bright. The first shift in the morning has continued for a while. I heard from the forecast that it would rain heavily. I'm so sorry. (1:18) Oh wait. No. I mean.. how to say it.. Will you take my laundry, manager? However, such a thing is embarrassing. (1:46) Ah it’s a pair of pants. Is it okay? It's somehow not bothering you, is it? Even it fell in any ways? I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for my words. Excuse me. (01:21) I feel weird some time ago. I'm supposed to look this veranda. (02:30) Oh no its ok, you don’t need to light it. (02:53) Ha? It's so amazing, a pair of pants like that. But, it's a black bikini. Ah amazing. Amazing?. Hahahaha (03:17) You're too honest, you’re so funny. Thats my first time, I was told that my pants were amazing. It's easy to be told. Hahaha. (03:33) This is so rare. I mean. Are you familiar with men's pants like that, or private things? (03:49) I see. Because with family members, huh? That means with your dad’s trunk? Hahaha. Sorry, sorry. I got on the tone. So, I’ll go. Because I have to wash for a long time. Thank you so much. Excuse me… (he wants to go) (04:18) Just now there was a thunder. I didn't notice at all. I was too tired from now. So, let's do it even earlier. (04:41) This photo? By any chance, were you a tennis manager? (04:54) A person who was not athletic. The girl (child) is you. Ahh everyone was so painful that you quit. In the mind of a man, there is one female in mind. That would’ve been hard. (05:19) Hahaha. That's favorite phrase, just like that. By the way, I want to ask. Do you have someone you like? Really? As it is, I didn't see it. (05:42) I see, I understand too. I guess you'll be attracting sweet guys because you're so strong. I'm sharp to things like that. Occasionally, if you add one soon. You, actually the type that I want to my lover. (06:14) Hmm? That's expression. It’s marked on your face. (06:22) I have one (girlfriend) already? Ahh how to say it huh… Because I'm not good to imitate it, I'm not good at running away with it, it’s troublesome. (06:37) It was unexpected? Because I look like this, there are many things that I can take and see and decide. By meaning from decide is I guess it's easy to call out. That’s what it means. I'm a little tired. (07:01) Some of the customers coming to gym may be active are women. Even if you are invited, you join and listen appropriately. So, in that case, I may go home and sigh. There are things like that. (07:23) Sorry, I suddenly spoke too much. It’s so uncool of me. (07:29) A? Film? Even if you look like this, I still have trouble as much as anyone else. (07:40) I try to not talk like this. I wonder what it is. Just for you. Forget it. Hmm.. I apologies for hearing a strange story like that. Please tell me if you need male hands as long as you need to help. Like clearing the cardboard around. Leave the hard work to me. If you don't like it, don't hesitate to say so. Is that so? That was a relief. (08:22) It’s bad if it ’s a one-sided world. What to do? (08:35) Oh okay. This, The first box. Where to put it? Understand. (08:54) This is so heavy. It's going to be good. (09:18) This is for man’s work, so it’s not too much. Ah, can you bring this light box? (thunder strikes) (he falls) (09:52) Ouch-ouch. It’s okay. I'm just trembling. It's okay it's okay, don't worry about me. I'm sorry making this dirty. I'm not injured. (10:11) Did a strong body help you a little? You’re not good (scared to) lightning, huh? (10:27) If you are uneasy. Would you like to go out with me more? (10:39) Little by little. Because the thunder wouldn’t stop sooner. It’s okay. (10:42) Really, don't worry about me. I mean it was a bit of little incident. You don't have to go out of keeping with all your might! I often say. Should we keep that up? (11:18) What are you doing? (MC is preparing meal) Me? Is it for me? Yaay! Because it’s dinner time from now, I’m saved! Because manager can get home cooked food, It's really a lucky day today for me. (11:50) You're welcome. This topper is still coming. Well then… Track 03 I’m The Manager from Room 101 T/N: p***y = pussy because he said manko and d**k = dick as he said chin chin. I censor it because I’m not used to those words, lol. (00:09) Manager, What happened in front of the house? Alright. Do you still want the cardboard boxes? Alright, I'll go get it soon. Huh? Lost item? At the house veranda? Hahaha. Well, I've just heard that you talked about it. Of course, please come in. (opens the door) (MC enters) What are you going to do? I'm actually okay if I go, but are you gonna go by yourself? Regardless of which is fine. (01.07) Oh... Did you find it? By the way, what's the lost item? Eh? Hehehe. Ah... Could it be, this one? Oh-haha. Oh oh, I just picked it up on the veranda. Suddenly, I thought about my thing. However, my pants were thrown away. This time, it's your bra. I guess we're so stupid, huh? Hahaha (laughs) That won't do. Hahaha. My stomach ache (because he laughs so much) Hahaha. (02:16) Ah yes, yes. The miso mackerel was delicious. There was no smell and the broth came up nicely. You're good at cooking! Hmm.. When you were trained as a manager, were you cooking at a training camp? Ahaha. They're just hungry people, huh? They were asking for more, right? They don't know when to refrain, huh? (asking for more food, since the cooking is so delicious so the people keep asking for more) Since they're full, they can't do anything. They're high school students from athlete club anyways. (03:03) Hahaha. I found a racket. It's just an ornament anyway. Ah-ha. Because our tennis club was a regular at national competition. Running around from morning until night. The practice menu was too tight (too strict). But, I don't say such a thing like that. (He swings a racket) (03:43) Something about me, I knew it. That's right. It was called uniform ace. Hehe. You remember it well. That's right. I was good at serving. Thanks for covering me. (04.13) (He swings a racket) It was fun back then. I didn't want to lose. I couldn't help thinking only about tennis every day, huh? Could it be, I guess I should stop because of injury? It's fine. Because it's just that much. Thanks for giving up for me. (04.45) Would you comfort me? Ah, no. It's okay. You're very kind. Being with you. (05.09) Being with me is shallow. I am just keep getting encouraged by you. Ahaha. You know well. As expected, as a tennis club manager. When you winning in match, make a racket bag to protect it. Eh? Something's there? A amulet From the summer competition? Ha? Haah… It was you? (06.01) Before the game, I was always holding this and praying. I didn't lose it because you bought it. I'll always cherish it. Actually this, I've lost this once, I've never done it. And before the finals. I lost my amulet before the game and my heart was thumping. I think that's the last request. I ran to the tournament headquarter. Then, it had arrived. I was actually relieved. Even if you hear the person who delivered, I only knew that she was a girl. Who could've thought that person was you all along? (07:01) I’ve always wanted to meet you. That's why even though, I must have met you for the first time, I felt like it happened before. I'm always happy every time I see and hear your voice. From some time, my head feels like floating. (07.27)That's why… (kisses) *R-18 Scenes* (8:12)I can't hold it anymore. Your lips is incredibly cute. (8:51) Even if your lip is small, it makes me numb. (09:25) Don't stop, huh? That mouth is... From the beginning, (10:05) This mouth of yours is so soft... Maybe your ears too. I love every part of you. (10:53)Uh-oh. You're struggling. (10:58) What a naughty child. I told you not to let go, right?! (11:10) What a soft pair of mounds. I knew it even from that top of the bra. It's get used to my hands. (11:34) Such a cute bra. I was talking about the colours earlier. (11:48) No matter which colour, even the lace is frilly white (sniffs). I think it complemented it. (12:07) I think that I want to take it off (sniffs). Which one? The same smell of you... I was just joking. (12:30) The angry face of yours is cute too. However (laughs), don't be tempted as I take it off. (12:55) Wah… No way, don't hide it. Show me well. (13:02)You're wearing such a cute bra like this. Your nipples are hardened. You're feeling it by force huh? (13:26) It's not that, huh? Touch me, make me feel good. (13:28)I’m getting hot (undoes his pants). Oh, isn't it white? (14:03)It's so cute. So soft. Show me, that I'll make you come with my hand. In the meantime, let's forget about your bra. Because I was going to meet you. Furthermore, this sweet and faintly gentle smell is always from you. (14:41) Well, it's already left. When the body is this close, (sniffs) I can't. I can't hold it back. (15:01) It just become wet. So fluffy. It's slimy and eager to be licked (he licks it). (15:42)So good! Your sweat tastes so good (licks intensely). (16:02) You're tightening. I understand the strength. Your sweetness spreads all over inside my mouth. Ahhh.. haahh… (16:57) Your breasts Haaah.. (17:10) I sucked your breasts too much. (17:23) I might have left a kiss mark on you. I left a mark on you. Huh? I won't stop, you know? (17:38) In that case, isn't your pants getting wet? Come on... Mmm... Of course, my finger is glistening (fingering). (18:11) There’s no way for asking me to stop as it’s troublesome for you, right? Becoming wet like this. Such a lewd one. (18:25) Hmm? That's right. It's you first time, huh. When you're manager, surrounded by men, (18:42) It's okay not to quit, you know? Because I might not be able to stop it in front of you. (18:56) I won't give you to anyone. (19:21) Your bottom is so smooth. The back line is also so beautiful. It's like a cat in a heat. Do you understand? Your thing right here... I'm touching your dripping bottom here... Come on, open up. It's getting stickily wet. (20:05) Your thing here already wants it so bad, huh? Come... Mmm Hmm... (20:19) It's the same as you, my tip was is getting wet. You understand it, right? (20:35) Hehehe. Amazing! It's so warm, it's so soft. I want to put it in. How about you? (21:02) I can't? Why? Right here... It has already become this wet. Even though you say it was not possible, it's unbelievable, right? That's why... (kisses) I'm putting it in, okay? (21:54) Here I go, okay? (22:00) Loosen up your body. Inside you... (thrusts) Come on... Just a little bit more, getting it inside... Amazing... It's so tight. (22:30)Just a little bit, I'm putting it in, okay? (22:55) It's finally all inside your p***y Haah... (23:10) It is tightening me so much. It's the best. It feels so good. Your voice is nice. Amazing! It's sucking me in. (heavy breathing, thrusts) (23:57) It's impossible. (24:03) Such a thing is so warm. Because your p***y feels so good anyway. Your waist is moving so easily, you know? (thrusts) (24:39) Moreover, your back is so sweaty and wet. Your breasts.. Every time my dick hits it, it gets slimy when it enters. (25:25) It's insanely arousing, you know. What a lewd woman you are, huh. Your inside is becoming gradually drenched, ugh 9thrusts). You hear it, don't you? The sloppy sounds. (heavy thrusting) That's alright. (26:02) Let out your voice more... Because honestly your p***y is so wet as it's flowing out erotic syrup. It feels so good, as you're drooling when you’re saying it. (26:34) Huh? Don't be stupid. I love it. (26:55) While washing your back… (27:05) Your voice goes straightly to my d**k, as it squeezes it in. Honestly, it's extremely arousing, you know? (27:27) I love it. I want more (thrusts). Hahaha, I'm sorry. I went overboard. (27:54) Turn around, come over here. (28:18) I’m sorry. I was rough. However, I couldn't stop. You're so cute. I'm not being myself. I can't calm down (losing my common senses). Show me your face. I want to kiss you (kisses). (29:09) Do you get it? I feel so good. (29:41) Slowly... Your p***y felt different from earlier. (29:54) It's so tightening. (30:03) My d**k felt like going to come. Turn your face around here. (30:35) It's incredible! Are you feeling it? What an amazing manager you are, huh. (30:49) The more we kiss, the more I want to do you (kisses intensely). (31:19)Your lips are the best. Your exquisitely slimy p***y is mine. Hahaha. I don't recognize manager (MC) anymore, right? Hahaha. (31:47)This is bad... I'm gonna come. (32:03) This is bad, This is so much. Your dripping p***y is squeezing. (32:39) Oh, I'm gonna come… I can't hold it back... It feels unbearably good. (32:48) It's coming out. Oh my... (32:57) My d**k is reaching deep inside your p***y. (33:08) I’m going to let it out too, okay? (33:20) It's coming... Ugh. Haaah… Hah hah (releasing) (climaxing) (heavy breathing) (34:03) Amazing! Oh... It's squeezing out all of me. Mine's coming out a lot, do you know? (34:19) My head is going blank. (34:46) Let me kiss you. (35:21) You're crying? Ugh? (MC pushes him) I'm sorry. Umm... I... (35:31) Oh! (MC keeps pushing him) Please.. wait! Wait! (He runs after MC as MC runs away) Track 04 I Made Too Much (00:02) (Door bells ringing) (00:06) Yes. Manager? Oh, I’m going now (hangs up the phone) (he walks to MC) (opens the door) (00:25) Oh, it’s been a long time. Of course it is. I thought I wouldn’t talk to you again. Eh? Hahaha. What’s that, huh? Haha. Umm.. That’s so, huh? That was surprising, right? (01:01) I also do some of that. Really, I thought you did. Eh, what is this? Nikujyo? [T/N: I don't think so, but nikujyo is a tittle of manga, Idk lol(?)] That's too refreshing. (01:30) Wait! Oh, I'm sorry. But look, of course it's all about you. Since then, whatever you do. I guess all day I've always been thinking none other than you. Even whether when the time is right or not. Especially, when you're back home. Your face is swirling on my mind. (02:07) My chest feels painful. You are the only one in this world. Someone who makes me so hot. I understand. (02:23) Is it okay for me to touch you? If it's not okay, I won't do it. Doing something like this, it always feels so different. (02:42) I want to do something, but it can’t be helped. I'm sorry. But, it's not like that. (03:00) From now on, I'll tell you. It's true. Absolutely, I want to do something for you. Because I won't hurt you. What I said is somewhat strange, but... I want you to believe me once again. I know. Then it's ok, if you don’t want to forgive me, you can do anything to me. Therefore, even so if it's alright to you... Once again, if you want to drop by my room... (03:57) I like you. (04:01) I want you to be mine. I want to love you a lot. By saying that, if it's alright... (04:19) *door is opened, then closed* (04:33) Thank you. I'm so happy. (04:40) *he's sniffing, heavy breaths* Your scent. Protecting you. You're all mine. (04:57) I will not ever let you go. R-18 scenes (5:34) I want to kiss you. I want to only have you (kisses intensely) (5:47) I knew it, don't stop it. (6:13) Open your mouth. I want your tongue. (6:23) (kisses again intensely) (6:48) Huh? Are you alright? Your hips are trembling, huh? Then, hold on to me. (07:09) Kissing feels good. It feels healing. (T/N: Because literally he said the kisses seem to be a medicine, so I guess he meant that the kisses were healing) (07:36) Your tongue is so soft. It entangles mine. It tastes so sweet. Your feet (T/N: Because I hear kimi no ashi from what he said) (08:11) I want you so bad... It can't be helped. (08:18) I want to kiss you. (08:27) Your scent is drawing me in so much. (08:46) My consciousness is fading away. (09:11) Is it okay for me to take your bra off? I want to touch it closely (takes off MC's bra). Oh... (09:37) It's off. Hmm... What a nice smell... that comes Aah... from your breasts and feels so sweet. (10:09) When you touch it, ahh... it sticks to your hand. It feels so familiar with my hands. (10:27) I want to suck it. (sucks breast) I'll roll your nipples. (11:12) They're getting hard, it's so cute. (11:23) Your voice is coming out. I left bite marks on your nipples. Hahaha, you felt it, right? More... As expected, I'm gonna give you more. Hahaha. (12:22) Your eyes are getting cloudy (kisses again). Let me hear your voice more. Let me touch it, lick it, let out your voice. (13:23) My shoulders is full of you. Haah. Haah. I've already endured yet I'm so aroused. As expected... It feels so good... (14:08) It's shaking, it seems that your body is more honest. I'm losing my power. (14:34) What's going on right here (at this part)? Come on.... Hehehe (fingers) It's sticky. (15:01) It's clenching down my finger. Aah... It looks like spilled honey. Uh-oh. You couldn't stand up, could you? I can tell from becoming such wet like this. Hold on to me. (15:42) Hmm? You're not heavy at all. Climb on my back. I can carry you to wherever you want, for me the past is like this (kisses). (16:15) Can you stand by yourself? I see. We arrived at the window here. It's decided, right? (16:27) Right here, I'm going to put the d**k in I'll show you to the people who walk outside. Hahaha. My d**k is freezing. (17:04) I'm putting it in right now, okay? (thrusts) Incredible! It's so hot! (17:34) Your p***y is slimy. It feels so good. It's so soggy and tightening. (18:16) It's reflected on the glass. Your face turns red. It's so seducing. Such an indecent one. Such cute breasts. It's hitting the glass. I'm going to come. (19:01) You're so lewd. I can't hold it back. (19:13) I'm going to hit it deep inside you. In a deep place no matter wherever you like. (19:37) Your amazing p***y is clenching down tightly. It's sucking on me. Can you see it? No? (19:57) Hahaha, ah I see. (20:03) Such a lewd expression on your face. (20:08) I can't forget it once I see it. Then, if you're good at moving your hips, I'll give you more pleasure. Hmm? Hahaha. It's not difficult, you know. You can feel me. I understand it that I can feel it. Come on.. Haah. Haah. (21:04) I'm going to do your back. It feels good, right? From now, soon I'm going to come first, okay? Come on! It seems that your p***y is going to come. (21:44) You're reaching your limit, I understand it. My d**k is exactly becoming harder. (22:02) This way, you're mine. (22.09) Okay? It’s fine by me. There’s no way that this p***y can accept this much. I’m hitting it so deep, so much. It feels like my d**k is going to melt. (23:01) You too, your waist is trembling, you know. Let’s get aroused together! I’m squeezed! I’m going to shove it inside you at the window again. Your face just now looks so erotic! Every time you move, my d**k got deeper. It’s so unreal. (24:05) I can see it a bit more from here. It’s burning. Show me that lewd face of yours. Huh? It’s embarrassing? Hahaha. But, it’s amazing, right? Your face when you hold back is the best, it’s so cute, you know? (25:04) Come on, let it go (just come). I’m gonna come. I know it, alright?! It’s clenching down so tight, it’s not odd. It’s okay. It’s not weird. Show me more of your thing that has become lewd. (26:02) Let’s become messed up together! Your voice that just came out now was so good. Your p***y is insanely clenching down mine tightly. Could it be that you’re going to come soon? Amazing! (27:01) Your p***y is leaking out. Did you come? (MC falls down, he catches MC) Uh-oh! Are you alright? It’s amazing! Althought it’s second time, it still feels so incredibly amazing! Do you get it? Your pussy just came from my d**k. Incredible! Our body is so compatible with each other, right? (28:03) It is indeed. It is obvious when I put it inside you, it holds it so firmly like it doesn’t want to let go. It’s already becoming like this. Seriously, it’s incredibly amazing. I understand it. Honestly, I’m surprised. Hmm? That was amazingly good. It’s the best! (Kisses) This time, let’s... Let’s go? (29:12) Turn around over here, heave-ho! So cute! Hold on more to me, would you? It’s fine. Hahha. Yes! I’ll put you down (lower your body). (30:04) This time, let’s do it from the opposite, shall we? (Kisses intensely) Hahaha. So cute! You are mine only. I’m gonna move. Come over here. (31:00) Sit on my lap. Ah, that’s it. I want to see your face. Good. Wait. I’m putting it in, okay? (thrusts) Come on, take a look. It’s smoother (easier) to enter your p***y than before. (32:00) It’s entered all at once to the base. It’s seriously such an erotic moment when the d**k is entering. (32:45) Haah.. As expected, it took off a lot with kissing. (33:05) It’s okay. I love it with that appearance. Your breasts is jiggling in front of me. This too, hold both of your hands to me. If loving your p***y this much.. (34:05) What a nice smell, your breasts are so soft, let me feel a lot of it. Your nipples are so delicious too. Can I lick it? I’ll lick it, okay? (34:57) That’s quick. (35:03) Your p***y is sucking it again so tightly. Do you like what I do to your nipples? This feels so good, right? (proceeds to suck and bite nipples) Come on, it’s clenching down so tight again. Are you gonna come again? Haha. Mmm.. ahh.. Even if you hide your body, I won’t wait anymore! (35:58) Your p***y, your nipples, when I grope them, it feels so good, right? (36:16) It’s okay. Come as you like... Huh? Hahaha. It’s okay, it’s fine even when you stand up it won’t hurt even this much is nothing. Hmm.. hhh.. (37:01) Just come as the proof... Huh? Hahaha. Come as if the she’s bind with a rope with me. Haah. Haah. Even the sex is the best and you’re being such a cute girl. Haaah. Haaah. It’s so steamy! Haah. Haah. (38:17) I’m gonna come. Your p***y just tightened again! I’m so happy! More, come on come... Me too, let’s come together! A-amazing! Your p***y is dripping... Nice! Oh, I-I’m gonna come too... haaah... (39:15) I-I’m coming! (climaxes, releases) Haah.. haah.. (40:06) Amazing! It came out... haah.. haah.. Amazing, that was the best sex! Hah... haaah. Haaah. Hmmm... (kisses) haah.. (40:55) Oh... I won’t ever let you go. You’re mine only (kisses). (41:31) I’ll pull it out, okay? (pulls out) haaah. haah... do you get it? (41:46) It came out overflowing from your p***y. I’m going to wipe it for you (he pulls out some tissue paper) (42:00) Hahaha. No need to be embarrassed. Spread your legs (he wipes). It’s fine, isn’t it? Come on, I’ll clean you up. Hahaha. It’s jerking, you feel it when you just came, right? Hmm? Hahaha. I’m going to be very lewd only to you. Hmmm? (43:00) Your p***y’s getting wet again. Hahaha, this is bad, it seems to run out... haah, because see... I wanted to pull my thing out once but it hasn’t calmed down yet. (43:19) It stood up again. Is it okay to do it once more? I’ll make it normal again while looking at my face, let’s pleasure each other more! Haah! Hah.. (43:49) I’m putting it in, okay? Haah... haaah... (44:00) I felt it so much... I can see through the stiffness from here... Accept all of me (kisses, thrusts) (Scene fades out) Track 05 You’re Afraid of Thunder and In The Bathroom (rain and thunder sounds) (footsteps on rain) (00:24) Tch.. It’s drenched. (doorbell rings) (00:38) Manager (Innkeeper/ Administrator) is at home or not? Whoah, what a huge thunder! (door opens) (00:49) Oh! Oh. ah.. Manager, you just hugged me suddenly. What a spoiled one. Eventhough, I just got here. Hahaha. (01:06) Did you get sick? Just as I thought, so I picked you up as you are afraid of thunder. I didn’t want you to be alone. Oh, don’t worry. I’m gonna stay with you. Oohh, are your hands alright? Your hands are so cold. Ah? Haha. I told you that I liked you. That’s why I want to cherish you. When I did it for the first time, I did it as the way I wanted but.. hmm? (02:00) There’s something you want to say? What? Oh-oh that is.. really? Hah.. hahaha.. I’m so happy! I didn’t think you would say that. I wish I could do it, but I feel like you were so innocent. But because you said so that means we were actually lovers, right? Haaah... Thank you! Can I go up to the room? (03:04) I can’t hold it back anymore. R18 Scenes (03:22) (heavy, intense kisses) aah, I love you. Mmpph.. Ahh... I’ve never been this serious this time. Hmmpph.. Ahh... (heavy kisses) Oh My... (04:03) This is so unbelievable. I’m getting hard. Ahh... hahaha. That expression (that feels the pleasure) is so cute. (kisses) aahh.. Then, more more... Ahh...I’m gonna do more... (kisses) (05:22) Today, you’re very aggressive. Haahh.. (kisses) Can we do it lewdly to the fullest? (kisses) (06:12) No way. It finally got wet. Let’s go to the bathroom (Japanese shower room). Hahaha. You’re getting more embarrassed now? Hahaha. That’s right. I’m teasing. I want to see more shy of you (you when you’re getting embarrassed). (Water sounds in the bathroom) (07:09) haaah... Your hair’s getting wet makes you even more beautiful. Hehehe. Don’t hide it. I want to see it in a bright place. You did it, huh! Ngh! Hahahha (plays splashing water with each other) (07:48) We look like children, geez! Hehehe. Yes! (07:55) I’m gonna wash up your body once again. (08:04) Stand up. It’s alright. Come on! (water splashes) (pumps body soap) (lathers up) Ahh.. hahaha. Just rubbing your neck like this feels ticklish, huh? Hahaha. (Rubs) (09:04) Such a sensitive one. Well then, I’m wondering of what’s gonna happen if I touch the naughty (lewd) place? Haha.. that’s it huh. Sorry, but it’s alright, right? I want to take care of a cute girl and want to do it slowly, like this... There was no man saying no to that unless it’s troublesome for you. Hmpph... haah... haah.. (10:08) Your breasts are so soft yet fluffy. Mmphh.. come on, do you get it? Your nipples are perking up. Even though it happened to be like this, are you aroused? What a lewd one. So sensitive. I’m going to clean up your breasts and your nipples. Mmhh... how’s it? Do you want them to be rubbed harder? Or do you want it to be done softer? (11:11) That’s it? When your breasts are groped strongly, it feels good, right? Then, next one.. which one would you prefer, your breasts being massaged or grinded? (11:32) Are you trembling? (kisses, licks) Which one? Which one that you like? (12:04) Your face is super cute. I got it. I’m going to grind (tease) your nipples vigorously. I love it when it comes to your p***y. It’s getting sticky, isn’t it? Your hips are trembling so much, you know. I’m going to lift this up. Haaah.. It’s always like this while your breasts are being massaged, right? Your p***y’s being slimy while I’m rubbing around your thigh as it wants to be touched. Hahaha, well then... (13:00) I need to fill this up too. (sprays water) First, I’m going to take this off. (Kisses) Your p***y becomes beautiful (kisses). Like that... (turns water off) Your waist has been cleaned, I think it’s fine. Is it cold? It’s fine, isn’t it? Then, touch the edge of the bathtub right there. (14:00) That’s it. Be careful not to slip. Hold on to me. Then, the main event... Spread your legs. Turn around here. You’re being obedient. I want you to see that much. Haah.. Right here, aahh.. It’s dripping wet. What a lewd p***y. Hahaha. Spread it yourself. So I can see it deep inside. Come on.. haaah... (15:04) Amazing.... If you look it closely, the love juice is coming out. Do you want it to be licked? Hahaha. Even if you say no, I’m still going to lick it anyway (does oral). What an erotic legs (licks, sucks) when I lick it, your clitoris is jerking (licks intensely) (16:03) (kisses intensely) So cute! Mwah! Hmm... mm.. Come on, don’t close your eyes! Look over here. That’s it, good girl. Haah... haah. It smells of soap. I just cleaned it up. Haaah... hey, hey, do you want me to lick it more? Right here, when your breasts are rubbed, your p***y becomes wet. (17:09) What an amazing facial expression! It’s so cute! I’m gonna pleasure you more a lot (kisses intensely, rubbing, sucks, licks breasts) Hahahah. Amazing! When I lick it, it becomes overflowing so much! Haah... (18:04) Playtime is over! Come on! Do you get it? Right here (licks intensely) Haah.. haah.. It’s so cute, it’s jerking so much. Say, which one would you prefer, licking your p***y or fingering it? Ah? Hahahaha.. you’re being honest. It’s okay, well then, I’ll do both. While licking it, I’m gonna finger you like this.. (19:12) See... slowly... My finger’s inside. You really like it when I’m teasing your p***y like this, huh? So lewd! Hahaha. While I lick it so much, I’ll play (tease it) with my fingers deep inside (to the back) like this... (licks, fingers) (20:00) Amazing! (Licks) Oh My, your p***y is very lewd. Deep to the back, does it feel so good? (Licks) You feel it, right? See? Feel it so much, okay. Aahh!! (20:53) Come? Ahhh... mmhh.. naahh... (21:03) Just come! Your p***y feels so good from such thing like that. That’s okay. Come! Once more, show me that you’re coming. Come on! So soft, I feel it. Your legs... don’t close your legs! Deep, I’m gonna do it deep. (22:01) Are you gonna come? Haaah... It’s okay. Come on... (licks, sucks, intensely) (MC orgasms) Taahh.. haah... hahaha. Amazing! You finally came once in a while. Hahaha. I’m gonna wipe this. Haah.. first time seeing it. (22:53) Are you alright? You’re still getting jelly, huh? (23:00) Hmm? Hahaha. This time, will you do it too? Haah.. haah. (23:18) Is it your first time? Touching a d**k, not good? In that case, it’s fine. Haah. Haaah. It’s so hot, it’s becoming stiff. If you do it like that, I’m gonna get my seat back. Haah.. hmm? Hehehe. Hahaha. You’re doing it great. Use you finger more strongly. (24:02) Mpph.. Oh.. It feels good. Rub it. Mmmph.. That’s okay. It feels so good. Say, kiss the tip of my d**k. That’s it. Haaah.. haah. Your kiss makes it throbbing. Hmph.. ahh.. That’s it, let your tongue out. (25:07) Lick it a lot. You’re doing it well. Haaah. It’s amazingly good. It feels so soft yet so warm. (25:40) Can you swallow it? That’s it. Open you mouth wide. Use your mouth. (26:08) It’s unbearable, you know. Haah. Haaah. So cute! When you’re sucking my d**k, it’s so erotic! Mpph.. Mpph (thrusting) You don’t need to worry if you want to do it hard, you’re doing it so softly. I want you to do it because I like it, no need to worry about me. But please, work hard on it. (27:07) What a soft tongue, it’s hitting. Haah.. Amazing! It makes it throbbing. I love your blow job so much. Please keep touching it. Hmmph.. ahh! Oh, I’m gonna release. Wait! Please let it go! Haah.. haahh! (releases) (28:04) That was close. I’m not gonna come again (release it inside MC’s mouth? Hmm.. hahaha. That’s impossible! You were gonna drink it? I’m so happy. But, I want to come together with you now. So, it’s no way. Sit on the rim. Haah. Aahh.. mmphh.. Can I put it in? Look at my eyes. (29:02) Show me the sexy face of you when my d**k enters you, okay? (thrusts) It went in. Haah. Haah. It feels so good. Hahaha. Your voice is echoing, you know? Hahaha. My dick is more and more coming back. (30:12) Do you get it? Haah.. haah. That’s right. We love doing it so much so that’s why it’s so tight. Hmmphh.. hahaha. Your clit is getting hot again. Haah. Haaah. Hahaha. Which one are you watching? (31:12) When I’m rubbing your clit, it becomes plump. Haaah.. haaah. Hahaha. Your face looks drowsy, you’re feeling it, huh. Today your eyes look totally different. Haaah.. haaah. (thrusts, heavy breathing) hmmphh.. The face of yours show that the sex is heartily exciting. Haaah... (31:55) What a lewd and nasty girl. (32:03) Because it’s right, isn’t it? Haaah... haaah... Come on, while I’m touching your clit, I’m hitting your p***y with my d**k (thrusts) You’re feeling it so much. You really love my d**k, right? Your voice, your erotic face, hmpphh.. haah.. haah.. it’s so hot, your inside and your clit of your p***y is dripping wet, your nipples... (smells), all of them are mine. (33:36) I can’t stop my hips. Your inside is hot, haaah.. haaah. Oh, soon, I’m gonna.. this is bad.. haah.. (33:56) You’re too? You’re gonna come too? (34:02) Your p***y is undulating. It feels amazingly good. Haaah.. haaah.. hmphh.. haaah... It’s jerking, my waist is loosing, it’s seriously sexy. What a lewd one, huh. (34:38) Your legs are spreading so widely. Haah... your p***y is attached, ah ah ah.. Oh, I’m too.. I’m gonna co-comee... (35:07) I’ve always wanted to see your come face. (35:29) It’s okay. It’s getting more and more strange feeling. Aahh... Because I also feel the same. I’m gonna come.. Your tightening p***y so is so amazing. Haaah.. (36:00) I’m gonna let it out, okay? I’m gonna come, my semen is coming out... haah.. haah.. I’m gonna pull it out from your p***y. (36:16) Aah-aah, I’m coming! The semen is coming out! Ahh, I’m coming! (climaxes, releases) Haah... ah... haah... (37:07) Amazing! That was so good (kisses). (37:25) I’m sorry. I ended up forcing it, huh? Haaah.. (kisses). That was the last best. I almost lost my consciousness. Haha. (38:03) No matter how many times I did it, you still came, right? Thanks to you, I also zoned out. Haah.. haah.... (38:26) I love you. I always want to hug you. Haah... You’re so warm. It’s fine to embrace you for a while, right? Ah... I don’t want to let you cool down. It’s okay, right? (39:14) hahaha. It’s amazing. I’m becoming more and more fond of having sex with you, it’s likely to be a habit. Hmm? You too? I see. Hahaha. It’s the same feeling, right? (39:45) I love you (kisses, water splashes) Normal scene returns (footsteps, door opens) (40:30) (moans) Mm-hmm.. 5 more minutes... Mmhh?? (yawns) ahh haah.. (40:55) Good morning. (41:02) (smells) What a nice smell. It it coffee and toasts? Thank you. I’m waking up now. Haaah... but, before that (kisses) ahaha.. Ugh-oh.. Huh, seriously? I’m still looked sleepy? Ahh... I haven’t thought about it since I haven’t looked at the mirror. Ah. Hahaha. (41:43) Somewhat, you’re looked so happy. Say, shall we get married? Oh, hahaha. Hey hey, don’t let go in a sudden! (42:03) Are you alright? Ah well, I see it. I think it’s too sudden. (42:13) However, it seems pretty serious between both of us. Huh? Is that so? Is it weird? But still, you’re the only one for me. I was a little bit wrong and stayed there. I knew it, you’re the only one. From now on, let’s always stay together, and remember that we can be strong together. Haha. Yeah. (43:00) From now too, let’s work together! (kisses) Hmm? (kisses intensely) (43:26) Sorry. The breakfast’s gonna get cold, so let’s eat it properly (kisses) (43:39) Let’s have sex first, I want to do it again, no matter how many times. That’s what it really means when falling in love. (44:00) Doing it in the morning, night, and day. (44:14) I love you (kisses, laughs).

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