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[Full CD Translation] NoT Remember (complete main CD)

Updated: Apr 22, 2023

This translation is intended for 18 years old and above, please stop scrolling if you are below 18!

CD Title: NoT Remember
Voice actors: 五日天峰 (Itsuka Tenhou) as Kota Takatsuji (older twin), 白上奏 (Shiro Jousou) as Yuta Takatsuji (younger twin)
Full audio purchase link: (USD 20.61/ JPY2750 estimated)

Track 1 There are two of him


Huh? Oh... Was that so? Sorry, sorry. I was zoning out for a bit.

That outer is kind of old, isn't it?

Anyway, it's okay if you don't bring it.

Well, I changed my mind in a sudden.

Hmm? Something happened?


I changed them because they were dirty.

When I took them off at the bath house, they had carelessly

gotten wet. Huh?


Could it be that you're thinking I'm lying?

Well, that's the truth. I have no reason to lie.

Well then, let's continue arrange the stuffs, shall we?

Ah... but, uh... How about if we have a quick break at my bed? (T/N: Bro, this is not even 5 mins and already?!)

K: Hey, what the hell are you trying to do, Yuuta?!

Y: Ugh! Agh, it hurts big bro! My neck, my neck is strangled! Don't pull my collar!

K: It's because you're gonna harass her sexually! I'm sorry, this guy is a good-for-nothing.

Y: That's such a cruel thing to say, a sexual harassment?! "There are 2 Kouta(s)?", she said. Hahaha


Y: Big bro, we haven't seen this kind of reaction for a while, have we?

K: It's because you're trying to do weird things to her, it's your fault! Geez... Sorry to confuse you, this guy is my younger brother.

Y: Yes, I'm the younger brother, Yuuta Takatsuji. We're identical twins so we are exactly look alike, aren't we?

K: Good grief... He used to do bad pranks, we're truly two peas in a pod, that's why. The only person who can distinguish us is our mother.

Y: Yeah, yeah. Even our dad mistakes us. I mean even if it's someone else, our father also makes mistakes of recognising them.

K: Hahaha, well that's true.

Y: Hmm? What happened? Nice to meet you, huh?


Y: No, it's nothing. Well, I haven't introduced myself properly. Nice to meet you, again. Best regards from now on.

K: I don't think you need to say "nice to meet you" again to her”. You were trying to replace me earlier, weren't you?

Y: Big brother, what do you think of person am I? I won't do this "childish" thing anymore.

K: Then don't do it from the beginning! Geez... No matter how much time elapses, you're still acting like a child.

Y: Eh? Isn't that such a harsh thing to say?

Even for you big bro, you had fun when you replaced me taking a class, hadn't you?

K: Hahaha, well yeah I did! Hey, it was in high school era, wasn't it?! Right now, the one's doing

it is solely you!

Y: Hahaha, you might be true. But, I want to get along with your girlfriend as possible as I can. That's why I thought that if I left such an impression, I might give some impact.

K: Don't leave any impact like that, come on.

Y: Well, do you think so? I have a specialty of giving the best impression of him! This is a little boasting from me.

K: What kind of boasting is that?! Y: Look, it becomes a trick, isn't it? Twins have completely the same hobbies, same likings also same things that they hate, something like that!

It's true. If you're interested, shall we try it? K: You... again with that weird antic...

Y: It's fine, isn't it? It's a good opportunity for us to show her. Come on, try asking any questions to us. We're gonna answer at the same time.


K: Then, I'm confident that I'll answer all the questions correctly. Favourite food? Hmm... one, two, go! Sweet rolled egg (tamagoyaki)! The food that we dislike is fish roe. We wash from left arm!

Y: See? This is quite fun, don't you think?

K: Well, I didn't plan to do this for a particular thing, though. Since we're always together, so this thing just come naturally.

Y: Big bro, you really love me, don't you. K: Hahaha... You said it yourself? But, I think that you're indeed an adorable brother. Y: Ah, yeah, yeah. I'm going to show you a good stuff!

U-um... Surely it's inside this cupboard.

Ah, found it, found it!

K: Don't take the album as you please!

Y: It's fine, isn't it? I'm sure the girl wants to see!


You want to see it, right? The photo of big bro when he was a kid. Whoops, I was just butting in...

Say, I can show this to her, right? I mean there's nothing embarrassing, though.

K: Showing her childhood photos is already an embarrassing thing somehow. Well, whatever! If there's any weird photos, make sure to hide them!

Y: Fine, I got it!

Y: Well then, without delay, first, this is the photo of him when he was just born I wonder?. K: You showed her the photo from that moment, huh?!

I showed her that we've been looking alike since then, I think that's it's great that we can one up her.

Y: Yeah, we get along so well! We wore matching clothes when we were kids, but we choose by ourselves from junior high somehow. We also share our clothes.

K: Yeah, that's right. Our fashion sense is also similar. If you buy each separately, you can double the clothes you want to wear. Well then... It seems at the atmosphere where Yuta seems to be sitting firmly. I'm going to get some tea.

Y: Oh... The dorayaki I brought is in the cupboard, so please bring that too.

K: Okay, okay, then please wait a bit, I'll be back!

Y: Oh, that's right! Before showing the album, I have a few questions to ask you, is it okay?


How long have you and big brother been dating? Speaking of, I've heard that big bro got a girlfriend.

3 months? Then, it's from July, I wonder?

You're still thinking about marriage with him, are you sure?

Wow! As expected from big bro, he's hasty when it comes to decision-making.

That means he's pretty much considerate to your feelings, no?


Hmm? Seems you are happy with him.

When did you two know each other?

From our coffee shop?

Oh... you're working with him at grandfather's coffee shop! Well, that's a nice thing!

Yeah. I think it's nice to work together in the same household. Moreover,

it's a coffee shop, right? It surely is an amazing shop!

So big brother came to that place?

You guys met during the spring?

Third time, right?


Ah, no! I thought it was surprising that you guys finally exchanged contact on the third time you met.

I guess big brother is an optimistic person. I didn't know it before.

I thought that it was a little bit frustrating for me if I didn't realise that I already had a girlfriend.

Besides, it's pretty romantic when you guys had an encounter in a coffee shop.

K: Thanks for waiting. Eh? You guys still haven't looked all through the album?

Y: Well, that's how it goes. We were talking about the start of your romance before you came.

K: That was the talk that we had last week, wasn't it?

Y: I just want to listen from her point of view. By the way, you guys have been dating for 3 months? Big bro, why didn't you tell me earlier?


K: My bad. I just haven't found the perfect timing to talk about it. Speaking of, no matter how much I've been trying to hide it, you would still figure out and make yourself a girlfriend, right?

Y: I thought that you were going to break up with her hence the reason that you wouldn't tell me. So you're not gonna break up with her as I expect?

K: Hmm... I haven't had that thought actually.

Y: Because...speaking of, didn't you say that there was someone else than him whom you were seriously dating?


K: You, quit saying weird things! I'm glad that you told me about that story, but past is a past. Right now, you're the only person that I think for the future, so no need to worry about it. Ah, no! I was just getting carried away earlier.

Y: *whistle* Big bro, you're so cool!

K: Stop making fun of me!

Y: Hahaha, come on, it's fine, isn't it? Your happiness is truly conveyed to my heart.

K: Well, it's indeed a true happiness.

Y: Hehehe. I'm jealous of you, big bro! You've got to make sure to make her happy, okay!


Make sure of it, okay? (T/N: Why do I have a bad feeling about this?)

· Track 2 The usual


Y: Thank you for your hard work! Are you busy right now?

I see. Then, it's a relief. I was thinking that I'm going to talk to you about something.

Oh, it seems that the place is not crowded today because lunch time is over.

What a rude thing to say! I'm not slacking off! It's also not crowded outside either. Well, it's just as usual. Speaking of, there are a lot of empty seats here.


These seats can be occupied with 34 people, isn't it?

Oh, this is the one! After all, the waffle here taste so delicious, isn't it?

Did you make this waffle?

Thank you for the food.

The sweetness is just nice and perfect!


Huh? Did I come to this place everyday, I wonder?

No matter how many times I eat here, it just feels like this is my first time, so I keep coming to this place. If I get married, I can come to this place to eat every day.

Sorry, my bad. We're in the middle of the work, aren't we?


Then, are you free tonight?

That's great! How about if we go eat out tonight after work? Alright!

Let's meet up at the station after we're done with work, okay?

I think we can meet up at 7 pm after my part time's over.

Okay! I am looking forward to meet you.

I am going to call you as usual.

Oh, you don't need to worry about my phone's ringing. It's just a reminder from a guy whom I asked when the time's over. Alright! Well then, thanks for the meal!

Come here for a bit! *kisses* Thanks for the meal again this time!

Hehe, come on don't be angry! It should be fine cause there's no other guests around, right?

See you later!


Sorry, did you wait for me?!

I see! Well, it's a sudden but shall we go?

I've made a reservation at the store, but I think we come a little bit too early.

Do you have any places you want to stop by?

Glove shop? Ah, speaking of it's getting colder these days.

In that case, hmm.. Let's try to go there!

Have you decided which gloves you want to buy? Like the colour or the materials?

Leather? Hmm... Well then...

How about this shop?

Look, there are many types of leather here! They have black, brown,

and other colour such as red!


Right? If there are many women's things sold like this, it will be convenient for you to

choose, isn't it?

Hmm? Ah... It's nothing. I don't need to pick up this phone call.

It's fine, don't worry about it. It's not a job call, moreover...

This is my precious time with you, so I'd love to cherish it.

Come on, since we finally made our way to come to this place, choose whatever you like!

Eh? For me? I see... Since you went through all trouble for me, how about if I change the colour?

For example, this one?

I've been thinking since then that this colour suits best on you.

For rouge colour, it's brighter than black or brown, it gives your warmth, the image suits best on you.


For me, your presence gives me warmth. Hehehe. I've had that thought since the first time I met you.

It seems that you haven't noticed it back then. Actually, I've been going to the store for quite some time.

Since about in the middle of April.

Ah... No. When I said that I've been watching you since then, it sounds like I'm a stalker, it's pretty embarrassing.

That's why, the first time I met you was in June.

But, I just can't forget it.

It was a shop, decorated with pretty flowers. Your smile when you were in charge at the shop just brightens my day. That's why… Even now, your smile still make my heart beat fast.

Eh, what the hell was I talking about? I should've focused to which gloves that you want.

So, which one are you going to choose?

Are you going to choose that?

Ah, the one that I chose for you?

Ah, no! I'm glad that you choose my choice! Then, let's buy them!

This is my present for you so I'll buy them. I'll be back soon, so please wait for me outside.


Alright, let's cheers!

You like them? The atmosphere's nice here, isn't it?

This is the first time I came here in a while! The alcohol's is truly delicious!

You still haven't drunk Japanese rice wine together with me, right?


Are you sure that you can drink sake?

Ah... if I'm not mistaken, girls usually don't drink much, do they?

But, this is a white wine, so it should be easy to drink, isn't it?

The taste of Japanese sake varies pretty much depending on the place of production.

The sweet taste is refreshing and it's easy to drink, so I recommend it. Come, I think this also has a sweetness to it and easy to drink.

Try drinking it! See? I knew you would like it! Since we're here, how about if we try different types of Japanese rice wine?

Then, maybe this one and also this, next, maybe this one? Let's order little by little and share our drinks!

You'll understand my choice after we're drinking many types of Japanese rice wine.


Try it out to find your favourite! You can drink as much as you want today, it won't be a problem.

· Track 3 Different (Please refrain if you’re below 18 years old, this is R18+ scenes)


Oh, are you awake?

We're in a love hotel. You were drinking so much until you fell asleep in the middle, so I brought you here.

Hey, you can't move suddenly like that. You were drinking pretty much, don't you feel bad inside your body? Hmm? What is it?


Eh? What are you saying? Of course, I am Kota.

Hehe, you're wasted. You're still feeling tiresome, aren't you?

Come on, just lie down on.

Rest well today. I'm going to send you home tomorrow.

That's why...


Let's enjoy and spend our time, just the two of us.

Would you like water? *he pours the water to heroine’s mouth by his mouth*

What is it?! Has something happened?!

"Why?", you said?

You said that you wanted to drink water, didn't you? That's why...

I gave the water to you orally.


"You're not Kouta", you said? What happened to you?

I'm sorry. Did I go too far?


The kiss felt different?

Oh... Because I kissed you in a sudden?

Kissing you that way is what you perceive as different?


Hahahahahahahah! You're lying, aren't you?!

Don't tell me that you caught me by the deep kiss?! Don't tell me that big brother is such a lousy

kisser?! Hahahahaha!

As expected, such an affectionate older brother that I have!


You're right. I'm Yuta! By the way, the person who has been with you since this noon was me!

You didn't notice it all along, did you?! Hahaha!

On the contrary, that's amazing, isn't it?! You guys have settled for the wedding, yet you weren't suspecting me at all since then!


Uh-oh, stop there!

You're not allowed to run away! There's no way that you are able to run away while

you're being dead drunk like that!

You're feeling uncomfortable? Do you think that you'll be deemed as innocent if you're excusing yourself like that?

Oh... Your first time was actually not in June, but it was in April, wasn't it?

At that time, you wanted to say that there was an uncomfortable feeling. Even though, you were deceived in 5 seconds, after all, it just happened that way, you know? Your feeling of discomfort well... I didn't expect that you felt it from the kiss that I gave you, though.

Despite being identical twins, the kiss feels different. I've learnt new things now.


Please tell me about that reference.

How did my big bro kiss you? How is it different from the way I kiss you?

Hehehe, don't ignore me like that, come on.

Then, show me the difference, how about if you point out the differences?

For example...

I told you not to struggle! Tell me! What's the difference of the kiss between big brother and me?

Ugh- ah! (heroine pushed him away)


You still had some power left to push me away? Then, tell me...

What's the difference? Huh?

He wouldn't do that rough like I did, older brother is such a nice person.

Then, I'm sure that he's being gentle when he's having sex with you?

Hahaha, I knew it!

What should I do you to next?

What a scary face you're making! Aww, so nice. That's the face type that ignites my desire!

Could it be, this is also a different place that you and him are used to going to?

It's totally different, right? Yet you didn't realise it back then when we were inside the car? Even though, you've been spending the whole day with me as Kota?!


That's just who you are anyway! You don't really pay much attention to the face, but actually the voice is pretty different the more I think about it.

I wonder how you will react here... you can't do it if you're not doing it with the real Kota?

No, I don't want to, I don't intend to stop anyway.

Your precious place is finally exposed this way. Next is to check if your place there is wet or not, let's check it out!

Hehe, I told you it's impossible for you to resist!


Look, it's dripping wet down there, you know it well...

I mean, isn't it too wet down there?!

You feel nice when you're being touched by me, don't you? I see that you're feeling it because we have the same face.

What do you mean by "it's not like that"?

Yet your body is reacting so much like this.

Your precious place is softened, your inside is ready to be filled, it looks like you're ready for my thing to be inside you.

You feel good because you feel the same sensation as your inside's being touched by big brother, don't you? Oh!

The sensation doesn't feel same, huh?! You're still feeling the pleasure regardless, aren't you?

In other words, it means...Being touched by me feels good that you pant, it makes me want to confess, is it okay?


Ah... so troublesome! It seems that you're going to keep resisting no matter what I say.

Rather do I think I should maybe make your body understand.

Alright, the preparation is complete!

Then, I'm putting my dick inside you.

Huh? Could it be that…you're still going to run away? You're too weak to run away anyway.

It's going to be alright! After all, you're going to feel nice!

Because you're going to be hugged by a guy with the same face.

Look, it slid all at once before I was able to say it. It feels nice, isn't it?

Oh, you're caught lying! There's no way that you don't feel good if you're squeezing me tightly like this!


Did you say it hurts? You're saying that yet you're squeezing me up so tightly as you don't want to let me go like this? The truth is you actually want me to do more to you, don't you?

Ah, come on!

I was just moving a bit but you already let out your pleasured voice like that!

I am also feeling so good too!


Does it hurt when I thrust to this extent?

I was wondering how boring he must've had fucking you.

But, don't worry about it.

There are certainly different aspects between big brother and me, right?!

Hahaha! Ah... you're crying (T/N: Man, I want to cut his peepee off honestly) You hate it because you're not being cherished as a treasure just like as he did? But, your lower part here seems to feel so much good, right?!

You actually like this kind of thing, don't you?

You're surprisingly bluffing quite well, aren't you?

That part of you is also adorable!


Come on, can you hear it?

The noisy sound made from your lower part being fucked down here.

Letting out such a princess-like voice, so cute!

Hmm? Is this your first time (to be done hard)?

Did you mean that you've never been touched by a man like this before?

Huh? My older brother is your first.


You gave your virginity to him? (heroine tries to slap but he covered her hands) Uh-oh! So scary!

That's why you were immediately going to slap me. You would not do it

if I were him? Hey... You were going to do that because that guy was me, right?

If you do such a bratty thing, you're gonna be in a big trouble.

Of course. I wonder if you have crossed the line? Then, I'm going to be rough to you.

You're being so sensitive on your ears. When you're reacting so much like this, it just makes me want to fuck you more.


Rather than saying stop, it seems that your lower part here begs me to fuck you more

as it gets tightening around me.

It looks that you're feeling so much pleasure with that melting face and gasps like that.

You totally are ready to release yourself. But, don't come alone by yourself, okay?

Because I want to come too.

Ah, it feels good. Our body compatibility is truly amazing, isn't it?

I'm coming. I'm coming!


That sex was the best! It's because you're entangling me up so much!

You're crying so much like that. But the one who accepts me is you anyway.

You didn't notice it? (T/N: God, let me chop his d off) I've been recording you since then.


I finally get to obtain your post-coital face photo.

Your tears won't get you anywhere.

Anyway, it was your fault from the first place.

You didn't realise that you went out on a date with younger brother, you end up hurting the older brother. (T/N: You can't even distinguish between your boyfriend and his twin brother)

Well, you won't be caught if I keep silent. In order to fulfil that, I need to ask you for a favour.

Tell me your contact number. Your real contact information.

If you do it, then I will keep silent for your own sake.

It's just a blackmail. I've been fed up with my big brother's speaking fondly of his girlfriend since then.


Well, that's the only reason why I did this. I'm counting on you from now, okay?

· Track 4 The truth and the guilt


K: It's been a while. I'm sorry I haven't been able to contact you for a few days.

Well, actually Yuta's been bringing my smartphone until yesterday.

I think I misplaced my phone in Yuta's bag when I was drinking with him the other day.

What happened? Could it be that you're mad at me cause I haven't reached you on phone

since that day?

I see. In that case, it makes me relieved.

I have it returned by him yesterday. It's not about the phone call, but I was thinking that I want to listen to your voice and meet you directly.

Sorry, sorry. It was late at night when I got my phone back, then I think that I wanted to come by to give you a surprise.

Speaking of, did anything happen? You looked pale.

Lack of sleep, you said? You need to rest your body otherwise you'll fall.


Speaking of, I was told that sitting on this seat counter had become my habit. Because I can speak to you as relax as I can.

Yuta said that he was going to deliver me something. Did anything happen while I wasn't around?

He wanted to talk to me? I don't think he had anything particular to talk about. It's just something trivial like how's the job, what am I currently focusing about, if we both are going to leave parents' house, something about the recent news.

Now that the range of action is different, I wonder if I've chosen something completely different.

But it doesn't change that our tastes and hobbies are similar, so I generally like what he likes.

Ah, that's right, so does this shop. Actually, Yuta works in a building near here.


Then, he found this shop as soon as he was recruited to the company.

I think it was around April. He's been commuting from work to this shop since then. I wonder how

he's doing lately.

Oh... you didn't realise that he hasn't come around?

He said that he had come around to this shop for about 56 times.

What are you thinking about? Other than that, I'd like to ask for the usual thing.

Being a twin is a oddly enough, right? I've talked to him since then, it seems that I've always

been ordering the same menu since then, the coffee and waffle set menu.

That's why, if he comes here and orders the same, can you please serve the menu the same way as you did to me? (T/N: I even served him my body T.T)

(glass falls) Hey, are you alright?! No,

you don't need to apologise. It's because you had a lack of sleep so that's why you weren't focused, right?


Don't push yourself too much today. How about if you finish your job early today?

Ah, this is it! I receive the meal (thanks for the food).

Hmm? Ah... The first time I met you was on the first day of this store was opened, I thought I said that earlier, it's a love at first sight, the second time we met was the day that I asked for your phone number.

I also told that story to Yuta. He told me, "Big bro, can you stop speak fondly about your girlfriend to me as if you're making fun of me?"

That's why back then when we were at my parent's house, he did a weird prank to you (impersonating as the older brother). Well, he must be jealous that I have such a cute girlfriend.

Yesterday? Hmm...


He didn't talk about you yesterday. I was mostly complaining to him why he didn't pick up the phone no matter how many times I called him.

Ah, that reminds me about what Yuta said to me! This is just my wild thoughts. If someone who talked to you first were Yuta, did you maybe have any thoughts of wanting to date him?

No, it was just a what-if story, anyways! Well, it's because the person who came to this shop first was actually Yuta, he was also the first person who fell in love with you at first sight. (T/N: Heroine is shooketh as she accidentally breaks the glass)

Hey, are you okay?! You're tired after all. I'm going to tidy this up for you, just sit down for a while.


Never mind that! Right now it's about the relation between the staff and the employee, it doesn't change the fact that you're my girlfriend.

I was actually thinking of inviting you to come for a dinner tonight. But I think it's better for you to stop your job early.

You can rest up tonight. I'll call you later.

If you've gotten better, let's go eat any delicious food!

Because it hurts me to see you suffer and gotten so weak.

That's why, promise me that you won't overdo yourself!


If there's anything happens, make sure to call me, okay. You can tell me whatever trouble you're having, no matter how trivial it is.

· Track 5 The one that I fell in love with was… (3P scenes aka threesomes, this is a ntr genre, so I hope you’re not shaken by the plot)


Y: Welcome! You finally came here from my call, good girl. You do understand your position, don't you? Yeah, the talk that we had at the front door. In the meantime, come in!

What is it, out of the blue?

Before we start the conversation, let's have a seat first. Why are you getting so impatient?

Fine, fine. I should've answered it, right?

That's right. It was me who first came to the shop in April.

I came 2 months earlier than older brother.



You remember that as well. I wonder if it was in the early June?

It was the time when you lost your voice, wasn't it? You really didn't pay attention to it, so I handed you over a cough drop that I happened to have that time.

Hahaha, I am glad that you still have that memory.

It was on the peak hours at that time so after I handed it over to you, I left.

I thought next time I met you, I was going to introduce myself.

But before that happened, my older brother came to the shop and he eventually getting your phone number.

You didn't realise it after all, did you? I've said this many times since you've started dating my older brother.

I always seat at that counter seat. Asking for a set of coffee and waffle.


I've been busy with work after the day when I gave you a cough drop, so I couldn't eat out.

I went back to the shop after 2 weeks and you smiled at me when you looked at my face.

I thought, could it be that there was a hope that you might remember me, but... the name that came out from your mouth was my older brother's name.

Do you understand how I felt that time?

I've always been mistaken for my older brother. It's too late to worry about that right now. But, as one would expect, I didn't know what to say at that time. So, I was pretending to be my big brother, eventually you didn't realise it until now.


The person who you actually fell in love with was actually me who gave you that cough drop back then, right?!

Are you being serious? (heroine seems to choose Kota aka the big bro over Yuta)

I am the person who give you a cough drop on that first day, I've always been caring for you since that day.

Yet you... Why? (T/N: Jump-scare in 4, 3, 2, 1, please lower down the volume of your headphone, you've been warned)

Don't call me Yuta right now! Isn't it too late to call me by that name?!

You didn't really get it, do you?! If I am actually Yuta or Kota?!

Haah, I get it! I get it now! Because we're twins that we have the same face!

Since we have the same hobbies, likings, everything about us is the same thing, so for you, if I am Yuta or Kota, it's just the same thing, right?!

Huh? What do you mean it's not like that?!

You completely misunderstood what I'm saying, aren't you?!


It should've been fine if you're with me since I have the same face, the person who got your number should have been me! Yet, why?!!

You don't get it, do you?! I thought that we could've gotten along well after that time when I gave you my cough drop. (T/N: Dude, chillax, you're gonna get high blood pressure, oml) It's been two months!

I've been commuting to that place every week, waiting for a chance to talk to you, when the time has finally come.... I would've been so happy if you recognised me as the real me!

I thought I could finally start my new romance life with you. Yet you, you...

K: Hey Yuta, are you alright? Since you said that you caught a cold, I'm going to make you something, so I bought a lot of stuffs (shopping bag falls)

K: Huh? Wait a minute (T/N: Wait a damn minute)


K: Yuta, you! What's the meaning of this? Why are you at Yuta's room?

Y: Ah, her? I asked her to come to place cause I wanted to, so she came here. I asked her to be considerate of me.

K: Asked her to be considerate? Yuta... You're lying when you said that you caught a cold?

Y: Huh, you don't really get it by looking at me? I am actually completely healthy, in fact I am so energetic! I just want big brother to see what kind of relationship that I'm having with her.

K: Did you guys go out behind my back?

Y: Wrong answer! Too bad, you're completely wrong! The correct answer is...


I wanted to go out on a date with her but I couldn't. That's what happened.

K: You wanted to go out with her?


Y: I had something to tell to her just now.

By that being said, she lost her voice in last June, there was a customer giving her a cough drop, little thing happened where there was a feeling of blooming love…

A few days later, another man with the same face came to the shop. When the man called out to her, that's when the first conversation started, does it ring a bell?

K: Don't tell me... That was...

Y: Hahaha! You guessed it correctly, big brother. That's right!

The first person encountered her giving a cough drop was ME. Then, the next voice who called her out was you, big brother. In other words, you've taken her without my permission, going out with her, spending time with her happily for 3 months, it was you who took her away.

K: Oh!


Y: Ah, that's right. It's your fault too.

If you didn't mistake between me and him, this thing would never happen.

K: Yuta, stop it! This is not solely her fault!

Y: Ah, that reminds me! This is not just this person's trouble. Why do you always have to snatch women to fall for you before me?!

K: Always?

Y: You never realised it before, didn't you?! The girls whom you've dated until now are the ones who got along well with me first! However, in the end it's always the same!


I finally could talk, get close to, muster up my courage, when I confess about my feelings,

all of them will say, "I'm so happy hearing that, Kota!"

I can't help but to laugh, right?! Since it's so hard to distinguish between us, moreover having the same face, so it doesn't matter anyway in the end, right?! Yet...

why is the one who's always chosen is always big brother?!

K: That is...

Y: This time's also the same! I told you about the story in the coffee shop but actually you weren't into this topic from the first place, right?! I thought that my wish would actually come true this time. Yet, the result keeps turned out to be like this, why?!! Did I ever do something wrong?!


Hey.... you, in the end which one of us do you like more? Me as the guy who called out to you first or my brother, Kota, the one who exchanged contact with you? Or because we have the same face, so whoever it is does not matter? Haha! You don't know?! You don't even know your true love yourself?!

K: Wait, she's getting overwhelmed by this- Y: Of course that's the reason! Isn't she just turning her eyes away from the fact?!

K: Calm down, it's fine, it's going to be alright. I understand why you're confused to choose which one of us whom you like.

But, I know it very well that the guy whom you're in love with for the last 3 months is actually me.

You might fall in love with Yuta first, but to the hell with that.

But, you're my girlfriend now. You've only showed the expression solely for me, not the one that Yuta can't see, right?

Y: Hehehe... I'm jealous... But I also know her "special" expression. You were making such a nice expression when you did it with me, right?

K: Did... it?


Yuta.... you... When I pretended as you, calling her out, you didn't realise it after all until I told you. K: Yuuta, you deceived her by pretending to be me?! You even went to that dirty thing- Y: What's the difference anyway? She already mistook me for you yet she fell in love with it! Hehehe. What? Do you feel disappointed?!

Of course you do! Your precious girlfriend has been stolen by me!

You finally begin to understand the pain that I feel a bit, don't you?

K: Yeah I guess. I may have understood your feeling.


But, no matter how it is... I still love he-

Y: "I still love her", right? Unfortunately for you, I also feel the same way, older brother.

It should've been me who was dating her from the first place yet you took her away from the sideway.

K: The side way? I didn't mean it that wa-

Y: Do you think I will forgive you after hearing you said that you didn't mean it? Of course I will not forgive you! I'm fed up with your excuses. If this keeps going on, every thing in my life's going to be kept stolen from you that makes me sick and tired!

K: I never knew that many things that you've experienced was because of my fault. I'm sorry that I made you think that way.

Y: If you think that it's your fault, then how about if you choose? Are you gonna break up with her or are you going to end your relationship with me (as a family)?

K: Why has the talk turned out to be like this?!


Y: Of course it's natural for me to do it, because I love this person.

I've been in love with her from the first day, even when you guys have been dating, I've always, I'll always love her.

Even though I'm holding myself back now, I'm not intending to give myself up for her.

But, if you say you won't let her go, don't ever show yourself in front of me again, promise me that. Otherwise, you will even make me lose my sanity.

K: Yuta... You even go that far for her? Y: What are you gonna do? (T/N: I would kill my twin if I were you Kota) Hurry up and choose!

K: I'm not planning to choose either choices. I'm not going to break up with her. Nor I am going to end my relationship with you as my family.


Y: What a sentimental person you are, younger brother! Choosing to live so comfortably without any troubles as your conclusion, that's just so like you, older brother. Well then, next... I have no other choice but to ask you, right? Whom will you choose? Yuta or Kota?

Me or older brother? So, who do you love? (heroine can’t decide)

Then, let me show you the charm that I possess more than him.

Let me show you immediately with my body.

K: Stop it, Yuta! (T/N: Bro, you took so long to process, you actually like it, no?) Y: Who are you telling to stop, huh?

Hey, you also don't want me to stop either, right?

You enjoyed the time when you had sex with me, didn't you?


K: Yuta, you...

Y: What? How about if you show her your appeal too? She's actually sensitive when you're being rough on her.

K: There's no way that I'm gonna be rough on her. What do you think of her?!

Y: Hmm... I think, she's my outstanding sexual companion. It feels so good when I put it inside her.

You like it too, don't you big bro?

K: I... I won't do such a thing.

Y: Heeh... you can even say that even though you're looking at this right now?

Doing it with clothes-on is going to be hard, how about if we just hurry up and take off our clothes?

There's nothing particular to be embarrassed about! You already did it with me,

You've also did it with my brother so many times! K: Yuta, stop it! She dislikes being done like that!


Y: Dislike? This person dislikes what I'm doing to her. Of course that's impossible! I mean, look.... Spread your legs more, show it to my big brother, come on.

Show him how much you're feeling it.

K: Oh- ah! You don't need to do that!

Y: Come on... spread your legs. Big bro, do you see? She's already gotten drenched, right?

K: That- that can't be!

Y: Just as I thought. Even the shorts are already wet from the outer part.


It was just like back then, right? You become suddenly sensitive when I attack your ears. You let out your sweet voice while your body was trembling. Huh, you didn't know this thing before, Big Bro?

K: Such a thing...

Y: Your girlfriend here is a truly sensitive person, you know? Are you also like that when you're having sex with my brother or is it only with me?

K: She was also being like that when she did it with me.

Y: Hmm? I see. But, even though she feels it when she's doing it with you, it doesn't mean that she won't feel the same thing with anyone, am I right? Hehehe


Hey... which one do you feel more? Me or big bro? (T/N: Your father, goddamnit this boy)

It's useless for you to hide it by crying. But, I got it. I'll make it easier for you to choose.

Big bro, do her opposite ear?

K: What are you-?

Y: Actually you're aroused too, aren't you big bro?

Y: It looks like your thing (genital) is in pain, are you okay?

K: Huh?! (T/N: Of course he's turned on, why am I not surprised)

Y: You even didn't notice it. Hahaha.That's so you. Well, it's fine regardless. Anyway, big bro,

try to lick her ears too. Even though we're identical twins, the feelings of having sex between us is pretty much different. Right, that's the fact, right? Well, I'm going to keep doing it no matter how I'm being told.

Come on, big bro, you also got to do it too.

K: are really...


Y: Hey... you won't listen to my plea, big bro? She even makes this craving expression, you still don't want to do it? Hehe, big bro's finally made his move. This has gotten interesting, right?

Don't you think that so? So, which one felt better? Me? My brother?

K: I've decided my choice. You're making such a nice expression cause I'm the one who licks your ear, right?


Y: Big bro has come along. In that case, shall I do her right here (the lower part)?

Rise your hips. I'm going to do you down here. Hehehe. You're being obedient, aren't you?

After all, you love sex, don't ya?

K: Yuta, stop talking to her that way!

Y: The thing that I should stop is the way I talk.

I planned to lick her down here, but I haven't decided yet.

K: Don't go hard on her.

Y: Big bro, I like your compassionate nature. Could it be that everyone's attracted to you because of your generous nature?


But, being the fact that you're a do-M (masochist) you unexpectedly enjoy it when you're being manipulated by me, don't you?

K: Don't mind what Yuta said. Just focus on me right here.

Y: It's overflowing down here while your ears are being licked by my brother.

Y: How does it feel being attacked by two men with the same face? It feels nice, isn't it?

K: It's alright, show all of you to me properly. You actually feel better when you're being done by me compared to Yuta, right?

Y: You're getting enthusiastic, aren't you, big bro?

K: I just won't let you have your way as you please.


Y: Alright then, I'll show you more what I can do. Your reaction is better this time. Is it because my brother's here or is you're feeling joyful on your body cause you're being done two people at once? Look... You already came.

K: That's not it. You're embarrassed because you're being done by me while being looked by him, right?


Y: That's a very convenient interpretation from you. Aren't you being a little too protective to her? Since it's so wet and twitching down here, it's already okay for me to put it in, right?

Hey, bro...


K: What is it?!

Y: Can I put it in first?

K: No way! Y: Haah! You already got her virginity! That's why you can hand her over to me this time!

K: You just don't have any sense of delicacy. That's the more reason for me not wanting to hand her over to a guy like you. She's my precious girlfriend. Move away!

Y: Well, I admit it's my mistake, but you're also aroused because of the thing I did, right?!

You should've been honest from the beginning.

K: Just shut up for a bit! Y: Alright, fine. Come on, cling on to me. If you don't raise your hips,

my brother can't go inside you, right? If it hurts, please tell me. I won't let you force yourself.

Y: Big bro, you're a truly kind person.

K: Don't instigate me!


K: I'm putting it in, okay? Ah, did it hurt?

Y: It's not pain, big bro. That is her voice that means she's feeling it very much.

K: Wh-why, how do you know?

Y: Big bro, you're spoiling her too much. she actually prefers to be done rough, right?

K: I will not be rough to her.

Y: Well, do as you please.

K: I'm gonna move, okay?

Forgive me... Dragging you into a situation like this.

But...whatever happens, I will always love you no matter what. There's no way that I will hand you over him.

Y: Such a cool thing to say, but... My brother's sex is just so boring.

Are you sure that you can feel the sex properly? Can you even come?

K: Don't mind him. Just focus on us, we've always been doing like this

with love. That's why feel me, only me.


Y: That's the reason you can't stand rough stimulus that I gave you since you've been cherished and done by him passionately. What a poor thing.

K: I will never do anything forcefully against her. Is this not enough for you? Hehehe, thank goodness. If you can feel it that much, it's fine by me no matter how you want it.

Y: I wonder if that's the biggest difference between you and me?


It's pretty ironic isn't it? The thing that differs between us is our sex method.

Hmmm... You were getting more disheveled when you had sex with me.

K: You!

Y: Don't get mad, big bro! Come on, keep continue what you're doing.

K: Haah, it's alright.


K: Hey, let's kiss. Do you feel good? Me too. You're squeezing me so tightly!

I understand that you're feeling it.

Y: It looks like you're feeling good.


So, my brother is after all good in sex. Hah, I'm getting a little bit jealous. However, you're feeling different type of nice when you did it with me.

K: I'm telling you. I will never give her to you! Because she's my girlfriend.

Y: Big bro, you're gonna come, aren't you? Hehehe


Y: It looks like you're really on your limit.

K: I'm-I'm... coming! You're also gonna come too? Then, shall we come together?

Haaah... haah... haah.... That was so good.

Y: Alright, well done, big bro! Thanks for the hard work! Alright that's enough, let's switch, switch with me! Even so, that was a truly lame sex that you did until the end.

K: It's not a lame sex, we're doing it in love as we're being affectionate with each other.

Well, a guy who's childish like you maybe don't get it.

Y: That's what a lame sex is.


Y: I will show you! The sex that makes her feel so much! Come on, pull it out of her, hurry!

Y: Then, on all fours (T/N: Oh no, not the woof woof style) I'm going to do it from the back today.

I'll fuck you so much until you forget the sensation of having sex with my older brother. I'm gonna fuck you rough.

K: You- don't tell me you're gonna do her rough- Y: This is not rough! This is a ser-vi-ce.

Y: Then, I'm gonna go inside! Since you've just put in by my brother, your inside is still loose. K: You still can say such a thing after we had a loving sex?

Y: What are you saying? Loving sex is lame so rough sex is the way to go.


I'm already tired listening to all pretty things you said, big bro. Ah! I'm going to mess you up so much in front of him.

K: Look up, show me your face.

Y: You're still kissing her while I'm doing it? So you like this kind of thing, big bro?

K: Because you've been doing nothing but rough to her so I feel bad.

I thought the least I can do to ease is to kiss her.

Y: You said it well, but you're just turned on looking at your girlfriend being fucked by me, aren't you?


K: Say it... I mean, your true nature has come out, right? You're not just a kind-hearted person nor always suppress your emotions, you also have those certain points, don't you?

That voice of yours is so cute. Doing it from the back feels deeper and so good, isn't it? Crave for me more...


I should've been the person who had all of you from the first place.

K: You're going to that extent for her?

Y: Mm... that's not it! I just don't want to let you monopolise her body only for yourself! That's my only reason.

K: Forgive me, to have dragged you into such a situation like this... But, I just can't abandon him either.


K: You too? I see. I can truly feel the guilty feelings that you bear

Y: You're still saying such a thing while we're doing it... I will change your body to the state where you can't live without my body inside you!


Y: Anyway, you also win his heart on your own. Saying that you're cherishing him and

you can't even look at me? Really... You're really a greedy, indecisive, and a worst person.

It feels nice, isn't it? Having sex with me?

The only person who can satisfy you is me!

Being so messed up like this, it seems that your body agrees with me, isn't it?

Ah, damn.... damn! I'm gonna come... (bro is weaker than his brother despite saying all those things previously)


Y: You also came, didn't you? I knew it, it's me. The person who truly understands you.

K: Move away!

Y: Ah, it hurts!

K: Are you alright? I'm sorry to have you go along with this kind of act. I see. I'm gonna get you some water, lie down on sides and get some rest.


Y: That time, the one who noticed your condition was me, wasn't it?! (T/N: bro still refuses to give up)

· Track 6 Please only look at me


Y: It's been a while! How many days have passed since then? Three days, four days? The shop's going to close soon, right? Don't worry.

The billboard sign's already changed to close.


Can I ask for the usual menu?

Say, why are you ignoring my calls?

You're picking the phone up when it's a call from big bro, right?

I told you before the other day, didn't I? The one who attracted to you, called you first, fell in love with you is actually me!

Still... why am I still not enough to you? (T/N: Cause you’re a bad kid, childish, why are you so dumb)


Could it be because you feel bad for my big brother?

It's alright. If you choose me over him, I'm sure he will be giving us his blessings. (T/N: I wanna smack his head so bad)

I've conveyed that I loved you so many times, but in the end... I wonder how you feel about me. The first guy who you fell in love with is actually me.

Fine, fine, I got it. No matter what I say, you don't want to talk to me.

In that case, I can't discuss that matter.

I was about to ask you if I could send this sex tape to my brother?

It can't be helped then, I think I'm gonna send it to him on my own. (T/N: This bloody mf dares to blackmail me?!)

How can you stay still while you're being threatened?


You do have a courage. (Yuta proceeds to play the video, his moans are audible)

If you had listened to what I said, this thing wouldn't have ever happened.


This feels like a harassment to you, huh? (T/N: No shit, Sherlock)


Do you think I hate you?

Hahahahah! Hahahahaha.

Even though you've had a date and sex with the guy you hate?


Yet, I'm the one who's obsessed with you.

I've been in love with you since the first day I met you. (T/N: Alright dude, I get it, please stop)

If I didn't do this, I'm sure you'd forget me instantly.

You can't even tell the difference between the nice version of me and my older brother, can you?

That's why I need you to show me something that only I can remember. (T/N: The ahegao face of heroine)

The one who met you first, gave you a cough drop, the one you fell in love with is always me, Yuta.

I have always wanted you to remember me since then.


But, it's alright now. You won't mistake me for him anymore now, right?

While that being said whether you hate me or not, I don't care anymore.

With this, you won't mistake me anymore for sure.

Because all of the memory of me is already engraved inside your mind.


I beg you... please only look at me. (T/N: Neverrr, why are you obsessed with mee boi I wanna knooow)

Main track ends In the end, heroine still can’t decide whom to choose.

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