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[Full CD Translation] Van - My Beloved Spy (complete main CD)

Updated: May 4, 2023

This translation is intended for 18 years old and above, please stop scrolling if you are below 18!

CD title: ヴァン-私が愛したスパイ-

Romanisation: Van - Watashi ga Aishita Supai
English: Van - My Beloved Spy
CV (Character voice): Kumaniku Fuyuno
Full audio purchase link:,200 JPY / $16.55 USD est)
(please consider to purchase the cd to support the voice actor and to enjoy full audio version)
  • Track 1 – The Fire Incident in Japanese Consulate Building


What on earth just happened?! Everyone died?! Agh, ugh! *he bumps into someone else*

A kid?! What the hell are you doing in such a place like this?!

Huh? Feeding a stray cat? Oh... Do you live in this consulate building? I see, there's a fire accident here! You need to run away from here as fast as possible!

Yeah, it seemed that someone set on a fire to the building. Just in time that I went inside as a burglar, yet there's nothing to steal around here! Come on, you need to come with me! Hurry!


Ah, the valuable goods were burnt on fire too... Such a waste...

Hah... It can't be helped... They're already burned by fire from the first place.

Hey, which way is the faster way to get out of here? That way? The pathway passed by cats?

It can't be help- well then, lead me the way!

Huh? Where is it?

He-hey! *heroine walks through the bushes*

The hole of a hedge?! Are we going to burrow through it?!

Ah- ou-ouch! We're gonna be stabbed by the branches! Hey, do you even realise the size of my body- ouch, ouch ouch!


Oh, we really managed to get out! Hahaha The fire truck has come! That was unexpectedly quick.

It will be better to extinguish the fire as early as possible.

Huh? Father, did you say? I see. There's no way for a child like you to live by yourself, right?

You're Japanese, right? What's your father doing in the consulate building?

A cook, huh? Well, how to say it... The consul and the maid had already been killed.


Yeah, I managed to peek through some rooms, everyone's throat has been sliced. They were deeply stabbed when they were sleeping. That's right. I thought that I was going to die on that place.

Unlike Japan, murder is common on the mainland (China). You need to give up on your father. I was in the backyard. I saved you.

I know it's difficult but there's no time for you be depressed. From now you have to think what you should do on your own- ... Oh!

Damn, there's a police officer coming... Hello, officer, thank you for your hard work!

Yeah, it's somehow quite noisy around here! Huh? Ah the fire incident? I wonder if it's from Japanese consulate building? Huh? Of course, I was just joking around.

Even if I look like a luggage thief, but I'm actually not type of a person like that.

However, it's such a big thing that's able to light such a fire!

Ah... this kid next to me? Uh-umm...


A stepchild from a woman whose same as my age that I took out for a walk because she still cries at night because of this kind of situation happened. Right, that's what happened, right?

Say, officer. It's better for you to go there to take a look! It's going to be a big thing as the fire moves away, you need to evacuate the neighbourhood close to the affected area. Thank you for your hard work, good luck officer!

Thanks to your presence here, I would look more suspicious if I were alone in this place.

Oh, really? You don't feel like it, huh? How old are you?


9 years old, huh? It's the same age as me when my dad passed away. What happened to your mother? You don't know your mother since the beginning? Then, do you have any relatives in Japan?

I see. It's hard for you... Say, since you have no parents now it makes you on your own. That's why you gotta do your life on your own. But, you don't need to worry! There's a lot of future courses for a woman. I know it well because I suffer hardships a lot!


You can be either a geisha, prostitute, or a courtesan... Well actually all of them look alike, but... Ah... which one is good for you, I wonder... Show me your face, let me see.

Yeah, sure thing!

Alright, you should be a geisha! The training of geisha should be easier than in Japan, considering that you're in the great mainland of China.

Moreover, ryotei (traditional luxurious Japanese restaurant) is often used by Japanese soldiers. I believe that it will be a good prospect for you so that you can collect money and able to return to Japan.


No, you can't! Even if you don't like soldiers, put up with it. You got to feed yourself by your own blood, sweat, and tears! Huh? Why am I have to be in trouble taking care of you?!

Don't act like a spoiled little girl! Anyway, it's not a big brother, but my name is Van!


Call me by Van! I'll take you to Okiya (lodging house/drinking establishment to which a maiko or geisha is affiliated with during her career as a geisha) first thing tomorrow morning, you hear me okay?!

  • Track 2 - I want you to be next to me


Okami (the owner of the okiya), I beg you please... It's been only 5 days. If geisha apprenticeship is impossible, anything is fine, even a lowly job. There's no way that I can run away from this, please listen to what I say.

Damn that old wretched woman! Do you that this girl so much?

At that time, hit her as hard as you can as you discipline her, you can also skip

giving her meals. No matter what, you don't want to take her in. This is impossible.

Is she opposing this girl that much? Eh? Is this girl also who's responsible for breaking this thing? That's such another insolent thing to do...

After all, it's not allowed? Hah.... I see.

I'm so sorry for causing you so much trouble, my apologise.


You... are you trying to throw my face away in front of those people?! Oh! Uoh! Hey! Don't you try hugging me, you stupid brat! No, no, there's no way that you're gonna be my kid!

I'm still 17 years old, I only picked up someone once in a while, and... Hey-hey, let me go!

Huh? Ehh...

Are you a Buddhist? (talking to the mistress who's in charge of Okiya)

Are you pitying on me cause I have no family?

Gaah... it's not a joke! Eating and looking for money by myself is difficult, yet...

Live truly and being decent, what do you mean? Such an unlikeable buddha you are.

Being decent, huh?


Um... Mistress? If I raise her truly, I won't be a punk, right? I can be a truly decent person, right? I see.

Well, then. For the time being, I'm taking her back home.

Come on, apologise to the mistress properly!


Shut up! Try to think what we should do from now, you little cat! (he said xiao mao which in Mandarin means little cat)


Xiao Mao means a little cat which is you! There's no one who's gonna buy you, huh? Moreover, I need to increase the number of the labourers and need to look for money on my jammed schedule... Haahh... I'm feeling guilty...

Why am I 17 year old guy have to deal with such parenthood like this?

You... If you've turned into an adult woman, I'll make sure to make you pay for what you did to me! Geez, I'll make sure you remember it!

You're hungry? Fine, you want some manju, don't you?

Okay, I'll buy it for you, but on one condition. You need to promise me! I really hate a big cry baby. If you wanna live together with me, I don't want you to grumble for useless things, being selfish, or crying and begging around me, got it?

Promise me, can you do it? Alright, I'll buy it for you.


Come on, follow me!

  • Track 3 – The day when she caught a cold


Ah... your forehead's hot

You're still having a fever, huh? You're very sweaty, aren't you?

Alright, take off your clothes, how about that? Huh? Taking clothes off by yourself?

You're staggering, aren't ya? Come on, it’s fine! I'm taking your clothes off!

Come on, come on, clothes off, clothes off! What the hell, you're just a kid so no need to act embarrassed like that! Haah? 11 years old is not a kid anymore, huh?

Speaking of... We haven't taken a shower together lately, since you got a sex appeal. Huh?


Ah, so that's how it is, eh?

Say, you've grown out some hair down there, haven't you? Show me!

Take off your clothes down there too, come on!

Just slightly... It's still peach-fuzz down there, hah! Hehehe.

Well done, well done, you've grown up quite well! (T/N: BRO, STOP)

Heroine hits him (T/N: Yah, you go girl, serve him right!)

You brat, did you just freaking hit me with a damn pillow, you little shit?

It seems that you're quite alright considering you're having a fever, eh?! Having such a courage to oppose against Great Kokubashira's household...

Hey! It's fine to sell you now to be a prostitute from now, right?!

Huh?! The stupid one is you, not me! Ouch-ah! Don't scratch my face!


Come on, quit it out!

We gotta go to the the actual spot (Okiya), ouch ouch ah!

Why are you acting so aggressive like that?! (T/N: Like you're the one to say?!)

It's getting big, aren't you supposed to be happy?! Huh? Ouch-ouch!

Ah damn... Hurry up, wear your clothes! You're gonna catch a cold from me!

Huh? Ah, you're right. You're the first one who caught a cold, hehehe. (T/N: This guy is truly aho (stupid))

Well, whatever. Just lie down.


Shall I go to bed too, I wonder? Scoot down a little, come on!

You don't need to worry that you're gonna infect me or whatsoever. Come on,


come closer!

It's better for you to let out the sweat so the fever will go down. It feels warm and so nice...

It feels like it's getting colder each year. Say... How's the winter in Japan again?

If I could be reborn again, I would love to relax in the countryside...


When you're snuggling close to me, it feels so warm.

  • Track 4 – An opportunity


Hey, I'm back!

You're eating boiled gyoza?

Yeah, I got them fresh from the spot!

Huh? You received them too? From the restaurant lady? What's that?

What is it, boiled gyoza? They're still covered. Shall we collect them out and boil them?

There's no one coming to the shop when you were there, wasn't it? It's usually like that, right?

Huh? A present, huh? You're somehow getting more potential too. It seems that your cat hands are able to clean dishes too, eh? Hahaha. It doesn't matter where the new job is, the salary is just not that great, ah...


On-site day laborers have days when they don't have work. Eventually, it's better to look for military connections for such a job.

Right now, I'm asking for a help from a mediator. Well, I've no idea how it's gonna be. But I told him that I would do anything as he said. I also can speak the language of this country too (since they're in China at this moment, so he speaks Mandarin)

Well, it's not a job that needs a meeting or something like that.

You're asking me if there's a danger in that job? Well of course there is.

Cause it's military.

Say... No one knows what's gonna happen, if someone's gonna die in the construction site, then so'll be it. That's a fate.

Oh, it's already boiling! Let's dig in!


It can't be helped, come on, it's hard for us to eat real food! Cause I'm a person with a criminal record. The rumour has spread out. In the end, what goes around comes around.

Eat it before it gets cold. Is it delicious? I'm gonna have some too.

Speaking of, you should work at a restaurant. Cause you won't have any trouble regarding meal since you can eat as you please. Huh?


Don't you dare complain that military position is a bad job, you brat! There's a saying "if you can't beat them, join them". In this town, Japanese army is the most dominant. You can't even understand this even though you're gonna turn 13, you stupid brat.

Oh yeah I just remember, you're not a kid anymore! (T/N: I really want to smack this guy's head so bad) You're gonna turn into an adult woman somehow within this period.

Ou-ouch! Hey you! Don't you dare act rude to someone who just gave you a wisdom! I also know how children say their words! I don't even want to hear such a word from your mouth!

Haah... You remember the talk we had at the past, huh?!

I can't be with you, right?! I'm refusing to be with you from now, Xiao Mao!


Anyway...who taught you from the first place, who kept you along, who shut you down

and who was the person indoctrinated you as my daughter, you stupid brat?! What the... is this some kind of love talk?

Are you old enough to care about this kind of stuff? You precocious brat!

No one. I'm not planning to marry anyone! What's with the sudden question?

I really am not going to marry anyone, if you want to be a bride, then think about it. I'm not expecting to be someone's parent. Heeh? You're not going to marry anyone either? Haah...

You're planning to be a spinster, aren't you?


Huh? You want to stay with me? Just living both together, that's what you mean?

Well, that might be not a bad idea after all. It's preferably comfortable.

Uh-huh, it's fine regardless. No matter what your choice is, it's fine anyway...

Haha, no need to be so serious about it, you're gradually becoming a stray cat.

Oh, Muramasa? Show me some courage if you want to be hired, that's what you said to me?

What's this? Dynamite?

What are you trying to explode?


Well, I know that bridge, it's located over the mountain.

Alright, it's fine if you want me to explode the dynamite over there. When should I do it?

HUH? The day after tomorrow at noon?!

It's impossible! There are many civilians walking across that bridge at noon, right?! There may be injury or death affect to those people! Understood, I'm going to take care of it.

Shit. What a horrible test of courage! Despite saying emotion, he's planning to kill those people, huh?! You don't say anything to anyone!


So this is the end, huh? I was just washing my feet, yet...

I need to dirt my hands again... Is this the way for me to receive money and to be praised from doing such a thing? What a weird story that I'm having...

Fine, then. It doesn't bother me.

If I can be any use, then I will do anything for that means. I won't sell her soul to them!

Test of courage... Very well, then. I will keep doing as I will always follow my belief.


Yes. I will raise the little cat that I picked up 4 years ago. That's the only thing that I believe in!

  • Track 5 – Trembling fingers


Xiao Mao...

Open the door

I got the money. I was finally recruited by the military. With this money, you can buy and eat any food that you like. You can buy baozi (steamed bun), peking duck, fruits, anything that you like.

Is that so? Am I trembling? Hahaha, I see.

No, it's just lightheadedness...


I'm not hurt. You're getting so big, and now my body's carried by you.

No, I can't do this (faint whisper).

I will be the one who support you, I will make you eat a lot and enter you to go to school, I will make you wear pretty clothes. (T/N: Dude, what's gotten into you?!)

That's right. I am gonna raise you properly.

Because I decided it that way. (T/N: Isn't it too late to say right now? Bruh) Yeah, I was completely hungry. Don't mind what I said earlier. There was an explosion from the bridge. It was an accident.


It was an accident that happened.

Xiao Mao... Please give me more courage.


If you're beside me, I will do anything. I will surely show you.

  • Track 6 – What’s the thing that he’s breaking?


Xiao Mao-chan, your master has come home!

Yeah... I'm drunk. You don't need to say that I'm drunk from drinking sake, what're you gonna do? Hahahaha. Haah? What is it? Why don't you wear the clothes that I bought for you back then? Of course!

It's the one that I bought for your birthday. It's a real deal, you know?! It's sold in high quality shop in Japan, I don't like it when you neglect putting it close to your feet, that's why?! I even washed it with immediate payment, it's got a nice feeling into it, right? Hahaha.

I was drinking because I was participating in strategy meeting.

Wartime starts from tomorrow, so I'm gonna give it all this time. It's said that the keeper is General Kousaka at the present time.

He's pretty much an interesting guy. I've heard a lot of things about military, but it is truly such a weird place.


I wonder why comrades are fighting with each other. If they were kids, it would be fine for them to do such a thing.

You're asking why? There's no way stopping it. I am very skillful and I know a lot of things too much. Hehe, of course it is impossible!

Huh? You want me to stop no matter what?

Yet we were lent such an ideal room like this. You can even stay here without having to washing the dishes, right?! When you look at it, this place is such a paradise for you, right? You can fill yourself up when you're hungry, get inside the futon, roll yourself up, am I right?! I don't want to go back to that type of life for the second time.

That's right. I need to wash my hands.

The water tap's working, right. This is what it means to be comfortable.


The dirt's not coming off, huh? I wonder why... I keep washing and washing but...

It's not coming off, it is not coming off at all. Hehehe, this is so weird, eh? Hahaha

Why the hell is not coming off? This is so troublesome!

Why? You can't take a look at my hands?! (T/N: His hands are covered in blood cause he just exploded the whole bridge that could bring the whole mass down)

Look, it's full of blood, isn't it?! No matter how much I wash it, it's not gonna turn clean- (heroine slaps him)

"Get a hold of yourself", you said? You... your slap does not mean that you can wake me up, you know?!

It's because... I'm already out of my mind.

Hey, don't cry! You're not a crybaby anymore, are ya?


This can't do.

Don't you dare touching me! You're gonna be stained by my blood. Please I beg you for my sake, please don't cry. (T/N: Why are we getting emotional right now?!) Xiao Mao...

I want you to stay clean and not being defiled for me.

That's not what I meant! My father was killed when I was 9 years old as a railroad worker.

I keep dirtying my hands back then.

Is that so? Is this the first time I tell you this story?


That day... Railroad workers had not received their salaries, so the office was crowded by them. As an engineer, I didn't understand back then. No matter how many times my father told me, I wouldn't listen to him.

"You're getting high paid salary, aren't you?", he said.

He was beaten. At that time, my father died from his wounds.

He was infected with tetanus. On top of that, he told me that he would send me back to Japan,

yet he stole all of my money completely. Tch, yeah. I was left behind penniless.

I swore to my heart that time. I won't turn to the side of being taken anymore. I'll take valuable thing from someone who has it. (T/N: That's why he became a burglar)


Unfortunately, in the end I ended up taking away the future of those people.

No, it's not your fault! This is the path that I chose. I've settled down in demon's lair. Yet,

I supported that person. I gotta kill her, it should be fine if I do, I will make sure to kill her!

Yet I ended up becoming that person's companion! I... won't feel that pride anymore, will I?

It's the same as the one who's getting banned.

Do I even know what I'm doing? This is a war. The battlefield is a place where people gone mad.

It's easier to be stupid when you're together with idiots. It's better for the fools to die. It's fine for me to die whenever it happens as I became more human than I ever was.


I saved a lot of money in 2 years. You don't have to worry for what's gonna happen next.

Oh... heh, it's nothing. I'm just giving the money to you because I want to. It's not that big of a deal.

You're a goddamn nitwit! I can't take anything from you! What the hell with your saying returning deeds?!

There's no way that I can accept such a beautiful thing like this.

Stop (heroine is hugging him, man I'm so confused with this story plot), you're gonna catch a cold! Hey! You're taking all of your clothes? (Meble server 404 is not found)


That's not the problem that I'm worrying about! I'm not asking for your pity like that to me!

You've truly grown up. You've become a fully fledged woman.

Please stop doing that. If you pretend to be more playful than that,

I am truly going to ravish you. I told you, didn't I?! Are you gonna test me, you stupid brat?!


Very well then, come with me! (R18 scenes next, please prepare yourself!

  • Track 7 – Soaring feelings



There's no way that I would do it standing as I thought but, I firmly settled.

What am I saying too late until now? There's no way that I am hating you. You're my fighting spirit as my life continues, as my younger sister, my daughter, you are my reason to live. It is because of you that I can live up until now. You give me the motivation to live.

Don't say such a stupid thing! Do you think that I can make you as my wife?! I am not capable to be in that role. I don't want you to see me unhappy. That's the only thing I can do.


Open your mouth.

Why does it feel so good to kiss you? This is not even allowed to happen, though.

I just wanna disappear at other place for now, that's the kind of person I am.

Damn it.

You're scared, aren't ya? Then, I'll stop for now.

It's because I'm still sober right now. I don't know how long I can keep my sanity. Ah, damn it! Hah, my Xiao Mao has turned into this kind of girl. She let her breast to be licked by a man, huh?


Answer me! Why are you doing such a thing like this, eh? Could it be that you're having someone special that you're falling over into?

Ah, is that so? It's just me, huh? Then...

I need to hit myself, right? Let me go for a bit... This can't do, I did it!

Come on, this is your own punishment! (T/N: He's punishing himself)

How could you do this to Xiao Mao?! She's... hugh,argh... (keeps punching himself)

I finally could think straight. (T/N: Bro, stop it. Get some help)


Just in time, this is the end.

Yeah, why do I let thing slips through like this? If you give me such a treat like this, I wouldn't be able to eat other treats.

Huh? (heroines kisses him) You are truly falling in love with me?


You're an idiot one, aren't you? I already made you dirty and you could even find a genuine man, I see.

No matter what happens, you keep choosing me, huh? You've turned into this type of woman, eh? I am surely going to fall into pits of hell.


No... I am gonna fall into the hell for you. Come on, open it up again.

If it gets wet like this, then I would be able to enter, am I right? Look, it's even getting so tight when I'm putting my finger like this. It hurts, isn't it? Ah, damn it. It's covered with all juices.

It's gotten wet. Does it hurt?


Come on, loosen up your body. There's still long ways to go. Your ears are small, though.

It's pretty cute when it's swollen. Don't agitate to every single thing! It's already such a great thing that you don't turn into a geisha.


Otherwise, you will end up in a normal love affair. Huh, I see. Your thing might have been sold to other man. Well that thought can make you insane, huh?

That's the thing. You have been mine since the beginning. It might be hurt for you, so prepare yourself. Don't tighten yourself up, okay? Tight.


I told you not to agitate! I went inside. Idiot, of course I'm doing it raw, I'm not gonna hold back. Your inside is so warm. I finally did it, big time.

This is not over, this is where it starts. This is where I'm going to pull and push it in.


Does it hurt?

It might hurt, I presume. There's no way that I am going to stop since we've made it here.

Oh, receive it as you've prepared yourself. Don't act so cowardly like that.

Damn, this feels good. Don't struggle too much, otherwise I'm gonna come.

I was about to be taken.

It doesn't hurt when it's being done raw, huh? "Do as you want", you said?


This is a spoiled consideration. Maybe you should remember to regret a little. Don't you dare turn your eyes white to me. (Don't you dare faint on me)

It's getting hotter, your inside's gotten used to me. How do you feel? What are you thinking?


Are you feeling happy?

You're so lovely. My condition depends on you.

I can be decent in front you. If this thin thread breaks, I wonder what it's going to be.

I don't know what I'm gonna do next. I don't want to think about anything right now.


I'm gonna continue, okay? Are you alright? Your inside is so hot, so squeezing around me,

so good, my hips can't stop moving. I'm not gonna be able to hold myself back anymore. I need to hold myself back!

No, no, I can't. I'm gonna release. I can't hold it back anymore.


I'm coming.

Your inside's coming and so wet. Huh? What the hell are you saying? Where the heck did you remember that from?

Did I tell you that Van's getting in heat right now? This brat... No one taught me about this thing, this is even worse. I came as a bare-handed man.


Hey, I was planning to stop after releasing once inside you. But I changed my mind.

I decided to see you as far as I could. I said I'll keep going until you come.

Don't look at the penis like that, come on.

I'll show it to you. This is what has been raging inside you up until now.

Touch it. I need to keep the top stiff. I haven't felt calmed down yet as I need to make you feel good.

Come on, make a handcuff with your hand and grip it.

That's right. Try to stroke it. You're so bad at it. Don't worry about it and keep stroking it.

Rather than your clumsiness, it's actually arousing.


Are you acting in a sudden? I've seen the erotic part of you. I'm not gonna do it with another woman, come on, as you said something stupidly adorable, I've gotten hard again.

Say, try to lick the tip as it is. Just lick it with your tongue up and down it's fine.

That's it, just like that.

It feels good. It's gotten hard, hasn't it? It means that the preparation's done. Alright!


Come over here! Try to put it in by yourself. I've already taught you the way to do it, right? You must've had remembered the trick, no?

Since you already know what it's gonna be like. Give it a try. Lower your hips slowly.

That's right, come on. Grab it and put it in your hole. (T/N: Bro is teaching sex-ed live demonstration)

That's it. What a nice sensation...

Does it hurt anywhere? Hehe, it seems you're fine. Your naughtiness just never changes, huh?


My Xiao Mao Tastes like jelly dessert, your tongue tastes sweet.

So delicious.


I'm gonna continue as it is, okay?

Remember my shape and get comfortable with me. That's it, good. Don't tighten up.

What the hell... your voice came out, huh? Is it nice? If it is, have a taste of it, come on!

It seems you want to come, huh? Come on, just come.


Xiao Mao, you're so adorable.

Try not to tighten up your inside, try to hold it back just like that. Hey, did you come, huh?

Are you for real? You've turned into a adult perfectly, huh?

You've grown into a mature woman. No, it seems like I feel lonely, that I've gone crazy, but after all I'm glad. You're finally becoming mine, huh? I see.

To become madly in love and in a relationship.

Buddha is such a whim.


Xiao Mao, do you love me? No, I am not going to say it. If I say such a thing, then my pride

as a man will be hurt.

Show me your attitude like this, okay?

If my feelings can't reach you through this, you're a stupid one.


Shall we end it soon? You're already tired, no?

You want me to release inside you once more? That was surprising. They say that a woman becomes lewd in one step at a time, such a thing is true, huh?

Let me slide you off. I won't worry about you anymore. Let me pull it off once.


On all fours, like a puppy. Stick out your bottom more.

That's it. I'm putting it in.

Ah... it's deep. Is this where your end is?

It feels the best. If I release it deep down here, you might get pregnant. Ah, amazing.


Let out your voice more. I want you to feel better more.

That's it. Just like that. Xiao Mao, you're my Xiao Mao...

I wonder if I can make you happy? I didn't want to become a man like this!

I'm gonna come. I'm gonna release once more.

This time I'm gonna release inside your deepest part.


Coming, coming! Can you lie down on your back?

Bend your right leg. I don't want to go out from here....


I hope tomorrow doesn't come. You wish for the same.

Hmm? What is it? What do you mean by that? Why are you saying that I don't need to make you happy?

If I keep living, it will make you happy?


Is it okay to be such a crazy man like this?

You're an idiot, aren't ya? What the hell... I've already decided that I'm going to go down to the pit of hell

anyway. Yet I met a woman like this in the world, I wonder if it (the war) can go smoothly...

Say, there's only one thing that I got to say to you right now.

Yeah, of course it's an important thing.

You're not allowed to catch a cold this winter for sure! What were you expecting me to say? Since you're gonna keep the house, if you're getting sick every day, I won't be there to take care of you.

That's why you've got to take care of your body.

Were you expecting me to ask you to be my bride?


Wait a bit for me. If I haven't return in two weeks, return to Japan with this money, and then...


Do you want to go somewhere?

Anyways, you gotta clean yourself up.

It's gonna be alright, don't worry about it!


I will make sure to return (after the war).

  • Track 8 - Love Letter (True Ending)


Excuse me...

Nice to meet you, my name is Kousaka who's on the phone call on the other day.

Today, I've come to deliver Van, Van Mitsuteru's hair and a letter to you.

Here you go, please. I'm sorry for delivering it late to you. As you can see, I lost one leg (from the war), I am going around the bereaved family's house with this hand. Thus, it took quite a long time for me to deliver this message to you.

I am truly sorry.


No, I am not in position that I am allowed to enter your house, Ma'am. I am fine standing outside here like this. I have to go to the next house soon.

It's a nice place here, it's very tranquil. Is that so? You managed to buy this house.

Yeah, I see. Van has finally managed to collect some money.


Does that kid belong to Van? (T/N: WHAT, THEY HAVE HAD A KID)

Yeah, the part around the eyes is similar to his. He's grown to be a good child, I see.


Madam, let me tell you his last story. It might be hard for you, but I would like you to listen. Van...


He was failed in attempting to assassinate the superior officer, while he was running, he was shot dead as his execution. At the end, he stood up by himself with daunting stance.

"You're all idiots gonna die", that was his scream.

The superior officer hung the corpse on the machine as an example. The corpses were left for a week.

Do you think it's such a cruel thing?


That's what the stage was like back then. On that previous night, Van came to visit my room.


He was asking if there was any stationeries such as writing paper and envelope, he said he would write a letter with me and started writing on the spot. His expression was strangely adorable back then.

That was the first time I saw his expression like that. When I asked who he was writing to,

he said that it was going to be his wife, but she probably wouldn't publish it.

He was blushing and laughing. That letter…

The letter was inside the pocket of the deceased. I was taking the letter out stealthily.

Yes. The letter was smeared in blood.

However, I think that I should give it to you necessarily, that's what I've been thinking.

With this, one regret will finally disappear.


No, there's no reason to thank me. If there's anything troubles you, please don't hold back and tell me. I will help to the best of my ability.

Well then, as I have another time to report to others, I'm taking my leave.


Madam, I wouldn't have met him without the war.

However, I am glad that I met him as a person, not a merely soldier.

Now, if you excuse me.

05:00 (Van’s love letter before he died)

Xiao Mao... (T/N: Who puts onion here?)

This is my first time writing a letter, I don't know if I can send you this letter or not...

well it's more of like scribbling to me. I quit my job as a soldier, I answered to your plea, you rarely cry again, right. I leave a souvenir in front of it, even in the military, there's nice guys like Kousaka.

I want to help them.For Kousaka's comrades, I eliminated the people who got in the way.

It's my decision to kill him and no one's order told me to.

I want Kousaka and others to lead Japan in the future.

It's a weird thing but maybe this is my call for patriotism.

Until it's over, I will go back to Japan and have my true identity.


Your strategy is successful, I will make you as my wife, Xiao Mao.

let's live calm and peacefully in a warm village. I want to live happily with you.

This time, I will surely live as a genuine human, I wonder if it can come true. Hahaha.

That's all I'm worried about. Xiao Mao,


Are you taking care yourself in order not to catch a cold? Sleep soundly and warm...

From your husband. (T/N: I hate this guy but why is he dead, whyyy)

  • Track 9 – To The Land of Flowers aka Going back to Japan (Another Ending)


Kousaka's family member, isn't it?

My name is Kousaka. Pleased to meet you too. By all means...

Yeah, we passed through the most difficult part. It seems that it took time to remove the bullet. But, there was no fatal injury somehow.

It was such a blessing that he managed to pull through.

Yeah, he finally regained consciousness. I wanted to contact you.

He's getting sleepy right now. This is the ward. I'll be in the waiting room, if anything happens, please inform me.

Well then... Umm...


Xiao Mao's scent...

Xiao Mao, is that you? You came?

Sorry to make you surprised. I failed the mission.

Yeah. The wound's not a big deal. I mean… I guess they're bad at shooting, they didn't even use the point.


Uh-huh, I see. Did they remove the bullet on purpose? Damn... Did they go against their superiors, huh?

The pain resonates when I laugh. Sir Kousaka didn't say anything, though.

That rumour probably happened to my superiors.

Otherwise, I would be still alive. Hehehe, you cried again. Smile for me.

If you're crying again, then I won't make you as my wife.


Yeah, I already stopped becoming a soldier.

I have decided that.

That's why, it should be fine that I'm going to be your husband, right?

Idiot, supporting you, huh?

You're a spoiled little brat no matter what, huh?

Hey! Get your face close to me.



Once my wound is healed, let's go home to Japan together, shall we?

I've already gotten tired of the mainland (China). When it's cherry blossom season, I want to see they're blooming. Yeah.

Let's go home before the cherry blossoms are blooming!



Let me know what you guys think, do you prefer the true ending or another ending?

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