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Hidden 「隠」 - Crazy Blood Translation Main Story

CV: Renya Koitsuda & Cherry Hatsutoki

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Special thanks to Ramen for the commission!

(Translations by Meble, Please do not repost my translations without my permission, thank you ☺)

Track 1 「宵いに任せた告白」”Confession leads to drunkenness (alcohol intoxication)”

S: Shuuya N: Natsuki


~Bring me the special towel! Are you fooling around? This is a night bug. Let's do it 'til morning (chattering indistinctly) ~ (T/N: This is a scene from a film that’s playing in the background) N: Oh, Shuuya! Can you take that spare rib?

S: You're gonna eat again? Aren't you eating too much, Natsuki? Hey? (T/N: Character in movie scene says: "Is that so?")

N: Well, it's because Shuuya's cooking is just so delicious! (Characters’ in movie scene sayings: For me... (chatting indistinctly) I'm sorry, okay? Don't tell me that you actually want it~)

Besides, in my case, it's gonna be the muscles that I'm gonna consume, so it should be fine.

N: Even so, this film is pretty interesting. But, is it necessary to separate the skewers for morning and night? (Character's saying in movie: Oh... just by looking at you, it makes me feel aroused)

(T/N: He talks to you) S: Hey, do you eat well? (Character in movie: touching you like this is arousing, I'm gonna touch you, okay)

N: Huh?

N: You (Character's kissing in the movie)

I wonder if you haven't eaten much yet.

N: Are you that shocked after you were beaten (shaken) by that damn boyfriend? S: What are you saying? If she were so shocked, she would've come back to her parents house immediately, right? N: Haha...

N: A man who doesn't let you say goodbye. I'm wishing you well from here.


N: You also need to forget about that guy! There are other better guys out there S: Hahaha

S: When it comes to you Natsuki, aren't you the honest one?

S: Saying such a careless thing like that, eh. If you came home from now, after that calling me from home, I'm wondering how to comfort you as it would be difficult, you know?

N: Don't say such unnecessary things, Shuuya!

S: Oh, but I'm wondering if she's happy with that.

Anyway, as I came with you here, when I had a chance to enter a college, I left my parents' house, then got a job there, I haven't even returned home once, right?

S: So, it's somehow pretty imprudent.

I'm pretty glad (T/N: Say what, now?) I'm relieved that I can finally see your face.

But, when I saw the raccoon eyes of yours (T/N: Signs of abuse by boyfriend perhaps) The thought of it makes me want to hit myself.


You haven't slept properly for a few days after being beaten (shaken) by your boyfriend, right?

Are you okay? If you slept lightly, should I bring you a good sleeping pill?

S: Yeah. The pill is not from the doctor's prescription, so the effect might not be strong but since it's a recommended medicine, the effect should be enough.

S: That's right. Sometimes I have to say something similar to a pharmacist. N: Well then for me, I'll fix your watch.

N: You said that you couldn't wake up without your favourite watch, right?

N: Hahaha. That's right. My specialty is car maintenance. But, most things can be fixed, you also recognise it, don't you?

N: Stupid. Come on, you don't need to hold it back! It should be fine for you to be honest and depend on your older brothers (T/N: he said nii-sama here) Or you can't even rely on your older brother?


Don't shake your head like that! You're gonna be unstable.

N: Good, good. If you're obedient (honest), it's okay. (T/N: It's fine for you to open up, I value your openness)

N: Hahaha. It's fine for your hair to be disheveled, you know? You're gonna go to sleep anyway, right? Look, since it's been a while, let me stroke/ pat your head more! S: Hey, it's unfair if it's just to Natsuki! I also want to stroke/ pat your head.

S: Good, good (pats your head) N: Hahaha

N: Pat, pat (good, good)

N: Oh, why are you crying? You don't like it being patted/ stroked on your head?

S: It's not that. As she feels safe, her tears are coming out, you know? Right?

N: Dammit! I won't forgive the one who makes you sorrowful! I'm gonna break the head of your ex-boyfriend with a bench!


I mean, that guy's eyes will be definitely rotten! S: Better yet, bring me a drug that makes his eyes becoming useless so he wouldn't be able to see (T/N: something would make his eyes go blind)

S: You finally could laugh! Well, it wasn't a joke, however if you could laugh like that, then it should be okay.

N: Wait, you! You're already drinking (gulping) too much, aren't you?! Even though the sake is sweet, don't push yourself too much! You're not strong enough for alcohol, so please don't push it!

N: Look, I told you so!

N: Ah, your nose is dripping! Here, tissue!

S: Hmm? Sorry, did you say something just now? You want me to take more tissues?


N: Hah (sighs) It would be great if men like us were your boyfriend, then we wouldn't let you go out of the house from the beginning.

S: Huh? Was it because of bankruptcy that you told me to take an entrance examination for a university in Tokyo and that you should give priority to work and regulate it?

N: That damned old man! I'm gonna hit him from saying that he moved for a business trip!

S: Well, it's as expected as usual, right? You said that you loved staying with your parents', but I didn't think you would decide to go to Tokyo just by your own will. But your boyfriend's case is something else (unexpected). You actually never have confessed to yourself, right?

S: Eh? Is that so? You were overpowered (pushed out) by your ex-boyfriend? N: Even so, you can't just be thrown away from that man as you're going to be a disgrace, no?


N: However, it's a best choice for you to break your relationship with him.

S: Hmm? Why is your ex-boyfriend not that bad?

S: If you keep silent, it will be more painful to you, you know? Today, it's the time to let out

all your hard things.

S: Look, if it's hard to say, drink more. (T/N: Oh no, no, I know where this is going) N: Hey, don't make her drink more! (Shuuya laughs)

S: As you're getting drunk (since it will make you bolder), it should be fine to talk all about it.

Oh, that is...!

N: T-that... Is that really what happened?

S: You've been liking me since high school? (T/N: Oh dear lord, that was quick) I see.

But still, comparing me with your ex-boyfriend turned out it didn't work out that much. Hmm...


N: Why didn't you say that earlier?! Huh? You also liked me?

S: It should be fine. Tell me more about it. Hmm... (T/N: Shuuya's listening to you venting out all your problems and your liking to him) Hmm...

I see.


Eh? Is that so? And then?

Track 2 『朦朧としている間に、二人の義兄は……』”While in hazy, the two step brothers…”


S: I see. You couldn't forgive yourself because you fell in love with both of us at the same time,

even though we're brothers in law, but you couldn't help falling in love with us.

S: Hmm? It's not a bad thing at all.

S: On the contrary, since you told about your feelings, we could accept your feelings as a whole part of you.

N: It's not a lie, you know? If I were told, I could've monopolised you with all my power.

N: Come on, as I told you, I'm not comforting you!

S: Come on (let's stop it over there). Since we're hungry and when your bond with the brothers are deepening more, shall we three not get drunk tonight? Come on, have more drinks!


S: Us? Hahaha

We both are pretty drunk anyway. Hey, Natsuki-

N: Yeah? Well I'm still not that- S: Drunk, you're actually drunk, right? N: Ah? Yeah- yeah (First he was trying to say no, but them he eventually agreed with him)

N: Kinda (fairly drunk)

S: Did you finally have fun? That's nice to hear.

I think it's very good to get drunk and release yourself if you don't bother others. Since now it's a great opportunity. Drink up more! That's a great way to drink!

N: Oh, are you alright? If you chug this much, it will leave stains on your clothes. S: Hey, Shuuya!

As expected, she has consumed too many drinks!

N: As it would be unpleasant as it is, so I'm going to take off one layer of your clothes from the top.


Your clothes are layered over one another, right?

N: Oh? I'm sorry. I don't understand because I don't really go around dress that much.

S: As you're not allowed to catch a cold, then please do as what us older brothers said so. Yeah, hooray (banzai)!

N: You! Are you wearing layered clothes that looked visible?!

S: Hahaha, it's just a bra, right?

N: Shuuya! You're such a convincing criminal!

S: What's criminal about it?

N: Just wait a bit! I'm gonna bring your nightwear now. S: Wait... wait!

N: It would be dangerous if you stand up as you're drunk like that, you know.

When you were a little, you and I used to take a bath together, it's late to be embarrassed now so you don't need to be embarrassed, right? S: That's right.


S: For example, here... It's getting considerably bigger than then, I wonder... (T/N: He meant MC's breasts, Natsuki gulps as he's also turned on)

S: Right, Natsuki?

N: That- that's right! It's getting quite hidden.

S: Oh, however... Could it be hidden because it's the fault of the undergarment, I wonder?

Maybe because it's the type of push-up bra? I wonder, how much do you really grow up? I really want to understand as an older brother. The contents of your breasts are properly packed. (T/N: Oh dear lord)

Aren't they growing up too much?

S: What a nice sensation (feeling)...

S: Are you ticklish (does it tickle)? You have been ticklish since then, right? Especially your ears... When I blow on to your ears... They are trembling...


N: Hey, Shuuya!

S: What is it?

Natsuki, too. How about if you also try it? (T/N: Oh, no)

Let's feel the sensation of the grown up younger sister.

(Shuuya proceeds to kiss the left ear of MC, Natsuki still contemplates between right and wrong yet at the same time he really wants to do the same as Shuuya does)

S: Just do it, Natsuki!

N: I am...

I have more self-control compared to you.

Don't lump me in that situation!

S: You're not gonna massage her, I see.

S: You're stupid, Natsuki. No matter what, we're all drunk and the consciousness goes away, anyway. You should think about the reason later. S: Hmm... (continues kissing the ear again)


S: I'm sorry, okay?

I accidentally unhooked your bra.

N: Damn it!

N: How the hell can I hold myself back in such a situation like this?!

Ah, amazing!

It's so soft!

(Natsuki can't hold himself back any longer so he joins) Aurgh! (bites MC's right ear) (They both lick, kiss, and bite MC's ears)

Your voice is arousing...

When both your breasts are being rubbed by elder brothers...


it turned out to be nice, no?

Ah, hahaha.

It's nice to see you being honest when you're drunk. Right, Natsuki?

N: Your nipples are already standing up (hardened)

You are truly sensitive. S: Hahaha

S: You're too absorbed in it, right Natsuki? Well, what should I do with these cute nipples anyway?

S: There, there...I'm going to knead this nipple more, okay.

N: Shuuya, it's impossible... for me to do this...


S: What is it? N: It's impossible for me to hold myself back!

S: That's cruel. Aren't you agitated?

It seems that your desire hasn't disappeared at all.

N: Finally...

Finally, I managed to be able to kiss you.

S: Hahaha, hey, Natsuki


Do you know what it means to attack a drunk and an immobile woman?

Enjoying the pleasure together like that is called a crime, you know?

N: If so, what about it?

I'm already prepared for all such consequences like that. If she didn't like it,

You can just watch while biting your finger there. S: Hahaha, you're telling me that you know my personality?

S: This is...just to make a confirmation in case, you know. Look, Natsuki! Let's lift up her body at once!

Shall we take care of her together?(make her pleasured together) N: Alright!

S: Oh, wait a minute! Hmm...

I don't think she's gonna get acute alcohol intoxication.

It's fine to continue like this. N: It's fine from what we've been talking so far.


S: Hahaha, that's right.

S: Then, since Natsuki is skilful with his mouth, this time, it would be better for you to lick her lower part.

do it as it's similar as her lower part is inserted, make her pussy wet in order to make her come. N: Can I lick it just like earlier?

S: After all, you've always planned to lick her all along, right?

When this kid got out from the pool, you've been staring so much at her crack (vulva or vagina), haven't you?

N: No, I don't do that, come on! I mean, just a bit.

S: Yeah, yeah.

It's fine to make such an excuse, but hurry up, get down on the floor!

S: Lick it! N: How about you, Shuuya?

S: I'm going to let her enjoy my lips in another way.

N: Another way?

Well, whatever. Alright, just leave the lower part to me.


(Natsuki gulps, then proceeds to do oral)

Well then...

I'm gonna take off your pants. (T/N: He's talking to MC/ heroine)

This... her pussy...

Damn... I'm fuckin' aroused!

S: Even though your eyes are closed, you're trembling... You're so cute.

S: Natsuki, it seems that you're enjoying it...

Lick her more... N: Really? Ah...

You're feeling so good from my tongue...


N: It makes me incredibly happy!

S: Alright, then... How about if you lick me here? (T/N: He's asking you to do oral to him)

I'm sorry, okay? It's going to hurt a bit...

S: Turn your face over here, okay... (Shuuya unbelts)

S: There, there. Good, good girl.

Open your mouth just like that, okay... You can't close your mouth, you're gonna clean up the older brother's dick, right?

S: It's so warm yet so good inside your mouth.

S: Ahh... I've always wanted to be violated (fucked) by your mouth like this...


N: Hah.... Hahaha, that's what you said, huh?

What an interesting hobby that you have.

S: Right?

N: I actually dislike it! Using the mouth of the younger sister (imouto) whom already loaded extremely as you please,

you're seriously brutal, aren't ya?

S: Haha. Even so, you're the brutal one since you're licking her pussy.

N: Haha, you've got a point too.

N: Your clit has already bulged, huh?

Sucking it...


The entrance is twitching so much as it wants it so bad.

S: Hahaha

S: Then, while your clit is being sucked, let's tease the inside part more...(he's talking to Natsuki)

Oh, with palms facing up, put your finger inside to the base, then bend it lightly to the tummy.

N: Huh? Like this?

S: Yeah. Then, while pulling it with your finger, gently rub the vaginal wall... If you sense something a bit different, then that's the G-Spot.

N: Right here?


S: Do you finally get it? N: I don't really get it but, maybe this is the spot. For the time being, I'm gonna rub it while I lick it.

S: It seems that you got it correctly. Hahaha. It's indeed twitching so much.

N: Ah.... It really is... Every time I rub it, her inside is undulating. Besides, her love juice (vaginal fluids) is coming out so much (overflowing).


Her love juice is damn delicious. (T/N: Oh my god T.T)

Somehow just from licking it, I'm also gonna come.

S: Mm-hmm (yeah), me too.

Finally, the wish (deepest desire/ wish) came true, right?

S: It feels incredibly amazing that my dick's gonna melt.

Haah, good... It's alright. I'm gonna release it in your mouth just like this.

N: Huh? Is that so?


You're gonna come, huh?

What an amazing reaction!

N: Hahaha, you're so adorable! (to the MC)

Come as you please! Either from my tongue or my finger...

Come as you please.

Mmph (MC climaxes)

Hahaha, your body is completely jerking.

It looks like I made you come properly.


S: That was amazing. Well then, hurry up, put it inside her, come on. N: Huh? I wonder if she will be handed over quite easily.

Is it okay for me to handle a virgin?

S: Since she was a child, it was you, Natsuki who proposed after her first, right?

S: Well, she definitely wouldn't remember it, though. Come on, hurry up.

I would also put myself inside her after Natsuki has done with her anyway.

N: Uh, alright. If you said so... Hey... Um, damn... I don't bring any condoms.

S: Well, use this. N: Huh?!


N: You! Why the hell do you bring condoms? S: Hmm? Because I felt like it.

S: I feel like I'm gonna need it today. N: Haah... Well, whatever...

It would take me nowhere to find out what's inside Shuuya's mind.

S: Ah! Since it's about time this girl's drug tolerance is getting tough, let's lie her down on her back.

Natsuki, you're gonna do it in a missionary position, okay.

N: Oh, how about you?

S: Hmm...

Since I already come from her mouth, I wonder if it's possible from her lending her hand (he's asking for a hand job).

It was incredibly amazing from the inside of her mouth.

(Shuuya proceeds to lick MC's left ear)


Thank you for holding it (my dick) in your mouth.

Next one, I'll make you do it while you lie down on your back, okay?

N: Huh?! S: Hmm? What is it, Natsuki?

N: I've been thinking about it since earlier somehow...

Are you used to having a threesome? (T/N: okay :) )

Could it be, at the time you were in college, when you said that you went to a party, you actually did it? S: It's because I love both of you, that's why I'm such a worrywart (he's worried so he's joining both of you to do the threesome)

N: That's why?

S: You know, it's important for me to prepare a lesson for everything, isn't it?

Then, hurry up and use that condom! N: Oh,


Done. S: You're good at applying a condom.


N: Even me, I'm also prepared for a thing like this.

S: What is it? Isn't it different from me?

N: Don't lump me in with you! I only practiced wearing it. Hurry up and let's switch our positions!

S: Alright, alright.

(Natsuki inserts himself in) *thrusts*

I love you.

(thrusts) Haah! Haah! Ahh... So tight!


This is... entering it until the base, I wonder if it would be okay.

Will it (the condom) protect me or not? S: It's okay, it's gonna be fine.

She came once, so she's dripping wet already, by any chance her body would loosen up, then it would be fine for you to enter all parts at once, you know.


On the contrary, putting it in a bit by a bit would prolong her pain more somehow.

N: Is that so? I'm sorry. I'm gonna go all at once (pushes his thing all inside)

Amazing! What the hell is this?! This is bad already!

S: Hahaha, Natsuki! You're out of words! Is it that good? N: Ahh... Hggh... It feels like it's swallowing me inside as it's melting me. Even when I stay still, her inside is squeezing me so tight. I'm gonna come! S: Hehehe, me too. Just watching Natsuki fucking this little girl also makes me

wanna come. N: Hehehe, you're such a freak (pervert)!

22:21 ( from here, the timing maybe a bit late/ early, sorry because I separate this track since it’s kind of long audio)

S: Hahaha, I won't deny that. Even though, I said I wanted to be a virgin until I got married, I'm sorry, okay? Your hymen's been torn by Natsuki's dick.

S: Can't go back to what it was anymore after this. From now, your pussy is going to made to be familiar with mine and Natsuki's huge dick. There's no other man can attach his thing. Are you okay with that? You're okay with it, right? I mean, you won't get what I'm saying since most of your consciousness has gone away, right? Hahaha.

N: I'm getting used to it, little by little, maybe.


I'm sorry. I'm gonna move.

In that case, lend me your hand.

S: Aaah.... N: It's irresistible. It's far much better than I imagined.


S: I love you, I love you. Haaah... I love you.

I've been watching only you ever since. I've always wanted to do this to you. Amazing! It's tightening! I'm already... I'm- I'm gonna release!

S: Huh? That was quick. Just in the time like this. Let's have a taste of her more, come on.


N: Because it's so damn good, it's impossible for me to hold on.

Gggh... Agh.. I'm coming, coming, co-ming! I love you.

Well then, shall we switch positions?


Since I'm also pretty much reaching my limit, if I come, I will like to do it inside you.

N: Yeah, my bad.

(Natsuki pulls out)

S: It's been a while since I'm doing it with a condom. It feels pretty tight.

It's gonna hurt pretty much, but you need to hold it back.

Right now, it's pretty troublesome for me to put it in.

I'm also the number one person in the world who loves you.


S: When I heard on the phone that you got a boyfriend, I had a plan to kill him, as I thought to myself. N: It's amazing how I ended up releasing so much inside her, hahaha.

N: If I released as much like this, I'm gonna be able to impregnate her with one shot.

S: That's why from now, please take a look only at us, okay? If you go out with another guy,

no matter how I have listened all about him from you, I would definitely kill him.

N: Huh? What did you

say just now?


S: I said sorry that I would come soon.

Well, you didn't hear it, right?! (thrusts inside MC)

Surely, this is... making me out of words (speechless)

I think it's in the place I've always wanted to put it in...

In addition, I am deeply moved.

Where is your best (most pleasurable) spot, I wonder...


You like it when I mess up and stir up your inside so dripping wet, right?

The entrance keeps jerking...

Hmm? Did you say anything?

Hahaha, you somehow felt weird?

You're so cute when you can't talk clearly (speak in slurred, incomprehensible words)

Just wait a little bit, okay...

I'm gonna look for the place that makes you feel weird (pleasurable aka G-Spot)


Hah... Right here, right?

Hahaha, right here, right?

Your reaction is so easy to read and it helps me.

Then, your most pleasurable spot right here...

I'm gonna grind against it with the tip of my dick.

It's so good, I can't stop my hips.


Up until then you were a virgin, though... It feel so good that your inside is being shaken, right.

This is... the place that makes Natsuki becomes convinced to come fast, I wonder...

Me too.

Because I feel comfortable with your mouth,

well I've already reached my limit. You're also gonna come as well, right?

Look, right here... I'm gonna hit this place rapidly!

Hmm... this reaction...

could it be, your inside is gonna climax?

To come continuously with two dicks is somehow... very lewd for such pussy.


But, it can't be helped,

since it's before your menstruation... Just a little bit,

getting your inside loosened up with my finger, okay?

But, now...

If you're not getting sleepy with the drugs, will it be easier for you to be sensitive?

N: Hey, Shuuya...

for me, can I touch her too?

S: It's alright, it seems that she's gonna come soon...


S: Tease her nipples while licking her ears.

That's better

for this girl, as it will pleasure her better...

N: Okay.

(MC is being thrusted by Shuuya while her ears are being licked and her are being nipples teased by Natsuki)

Hahaha, you're coming?

The entrance is tightening so much.

Then, I'll do it too. Make me come as well.


Oh, I'm coming!

It's still convulsing...

So adorable.

Huh... Could it be that you're gonna sleep? (T/N: What do you expect after getting rammed by you two thirsty boyz?!)

N: Hey, after she wakes do we apologise?

S: Hmm... Shouldn't we explain just as it is? I'm sorry, we like you much that we ended up doing it, like that. N: No, no, explaining just like that is too much, right? S: Natsuki is clumsy. You can't make a bad excuse, right? N: I won't excuse that.

I'll apologise sincerely.

If she told me to go lock myself up,

I'll do as she says. S: Hmm... It would be better for Natsuki that way, right?

N: How about you, Shuuya? What are you gonna do?

S: I'm gonna apologise, you know, same as you. N: As same as me, what the hell do you mean? It's a precious thing, right? S: Because as for me, I don't think what I do is a bad thing.

The worst thing from the first place is the cheap trick dad... (chatters indistinctly)

Track 3『義兄からの提案』”The Proposal from The Step brothers”

(birds chirping in the morning)

(MC wakes up)

(door opens)


S: Good morning, the breakfast is almost ready!

Oh, I'm sorry. Can you please take those plates there for me?

Thank you.


I'm wondering if the miso soup is like this.


Hmm? Oh...

You drank that much yesterday, right.

I figured that you might've had a hangover, so I made you miso soup.

Of course, I made your favourite food. Look!

What are you apologising for?

If I could make my little sister (stepsister) happy,

cooking a food for you is not a big deal.

Speaking of, it should be me who needs to apologise. Eh, why you said? Last night, I kind of took your virginity. Well, to be precise, the first one was Natsuki, the second one me somehow.

We both are the same (who took heroine's virginity).

Hahaha, don't tell me that you thought last night was a dream?

There's no way that last night was a dream, you know?!


S: In order to prove that, isn't your pussy felt uncomfortable? (T/N: facepalms, oh dear lord)

By the way, how much do you remember? I see.

You just remember it faintly, right?

Even though you whispered that you loved us that night. You somehow forgot that.

It feels lonely...

Eh? Your face is blushing so much like that, your eyes are getting teary as expected.

Oh, what should I do? You're so cute that makes me can't help wanting to attack you.

Don't run away, come on!

When you're making such a face (an expression) like that, it means that we have come to be seen as love targets again, right?


I'm happy. Show me more.

Be more conscious of it. Then, if it's possible, about me... N: Hey! Stop acting silly! (T/N: He meant not to go through before Natsuki himself)

S: Oh, good morning, Natsuki! Well then, since we three are all present here, shall we talk about it?

N: Wait! It's not a story that can be talked completely, right?! S: Calm down, calm down, then, you two can add the seats.


U-um... Well... Um...

First, let me start. Let me apologise.


N: I'm sorry. Even though apologising is not enough but, I'm truly sorry! In reality, I really couldn't do it.

S: It's not Natsuki's fault because I invited him to do it. N: No, it's not Shuuya's fault.

I am at my will when I embraced you.

No, it's not like that. Even though I said sorry, I violated you by pushing you to do it. Furthermore,

I did it with Shuuya, both of us. If you wish to hand me over to the police, it won't be a problem. Even so, I... (heroine hugs him) Why are you hugging me, eh?

S: You don't need to ask that, right? It's because she likes you. She has been liking you always, since then, right? Don't say such a ridiculous thing at times like this! Right, Natsuki?

N: Yeah.


Last night, I heard you said that you loved us.

I was merely misunderstood. I've been put up with the feelings of what I want to say since I've been liking you. It really is true. I love you as a woman (T/N: Not a platonic aka sibling relationship as a stepsister)

Putting my hands out before confessing,

I might wonder what I'm going to say.

S: Hey, do you want to sue us?

You have been so kind since then, aren't you?

That kindness could've been taken as an advantage, but that's not what I'm trying to say. Say, if you could forgive us,

can you probably think that you might be able to have a relationship with us?


Yes. A relationship, something like going out (a date) as a man and a woman.

We're brother-in-law, so there's a way for us to get married. (T/N: Whoah, hold it! Hold it!)

I'm not saying that I want your answer here right away. For the time being, let's try dating each one of us,

how about deciding which one to go out with?

Speaking of, for me it's alright to go out with three people together.

But then, you won't be able to forgive yourself again, right?

That's why, which one of us would you choose to go out with?

Or you can't see us in a romantic relationship?

Your feelings of love, has all of it become something in the past?

If so, it feels sad, right.


I can only love you for the rest of my life.

I wonder if that bright red face is the nice answer. N: You!

Don't rush the answer in this situation!

You're gonna add more wounds to her heart, you know?!

S: Speaking of it Natsuki, is it alright if you can't go out with this girl?

N: U-um...

That is... If I could, I would love to go out with her, you know.

S: Oh, as expected, you want to go out with us three altogether? N: No.

If it's possible, 1 couple is okay. (1 on 1 date). But,

if she says that if it's okay to go out with three people, then I will hold back my feelings.

S: Eh? Really? You have decided which one you would choose?

Hahaha, I'm happy to hear that.

I have to prepare a ring.


N: :Why are you so quickly ready to be chosen as soon as possible?

N: Is that really okay for you? You're not suing us, instead you choose to go through the road with us together? (T/N: Choosing the relationship involving three people)

N: Hh... That's so. In that case, I'll do my best so that you can choose me.

S: Then, the talk is finally settled. For the time being, shall we eat breakfast? We can't think of anything when we're hungry, right.

N: Hah... Shuuya,


you are really doing things at your own pace, aren't you? (T/N: at own pace means chill)

(They three are finally having breakfast)

Track 4『秋夜とのデート』- A Date with Shuuya

00:12 (Shuuya’s dialogue)

S: It's been a while since you came to the sea, right?

Be careful not to get caught in the sand- Watch out!

Oh- haah...

It was too late for me to say so, right?


Why are you sorry?

It ’s natural to support the loved one, right?

Besides, it's a date with me today, so no need to hold yourself back.

Then, let's walk over there!

Haah.... The sea breeze felt so nice!

It's also been a while since I came to this beach.


Yeah. When you weren't here, I didn't come with Natsuki to this place. Because, if I did, I'd want to cry because realising the reality that you weren't there.


Hahaha, you don't need to apologise, come on.

It's dad's fault that you didn't come back.

Shall we go behind the rock?

It's often said that it's a little-known spot where there's usually no people, so it'd be nice to three of us to go.

You sit right here since there's no sand on this rock.


Yeah. There's a slight distance.


Well, it can't be helped, then.

We just had that kind of thing yesterday,

but for me...

I want to be this close...


Seeing that we are conscious of that, I think we both have grown up.

The last time I vent up in this sea, it was actually at that time when three of us were kids.


Yeah, it brings up the memories.

You were 7 years old at the time when we encountered,

Natsuki was 8 years old, I was 9 years old at that time.

When I think about it now, when we teased you at that time, we were being foolish, it makes me sigh.


That's right. Certainly, my dad and your mom have been having an affair even before our mom died of illness.

But, there weren't any good reasons to hit you hard.


It's because the parents and the child are just normal humans.

I wish I could afford to think at that time.

At that time, there was a story (rumour) about the daughter of evil that afflicted our mother

so, I had decided to sniff you down.

But you, no matter how you were bullied,


laughed at, you reached both your hands to us.

Yeah, I know it now.

I guess your mom told you, right?

"Both of their (2 stepbrothers) hearts are incredibly hurt now, that's why I understand that it was a selfish request, but


(in order to deal with them) you should hold them (give them kindness) too," she said.


I heard it from her mouth shortly before she died of cancer.

But still, I don't think there are many kids who can do that no matter how much my mother tells me.

That is unmistakably your strength and your kindness.

On the contrary, we were having a hard time with it.

We even bullied you more and more.


Moreover, father who noticed the bad deeds of his two stupid sons ended up hitting us so bad.

We who were beaten up ran away out of house ended up being sent away in a small boat on this beach.

Hahaha, yeah, that's right. Later on, you followed us right there.


It becomes troublesome for us to bully you, so we decide to ignore it now. Moreover, when I noticed the weather was stormy while I was dozing off, the small boat was washed off the coast.


That moment was indeed irritating.

Yeah. That's right.

The next morning the weather was fine but this time I was exposed to strong sunlight.


But when you're with me, you're demonstrating the survival power of being a mother.

On the contrary, your strength supported us as our physical strength when we were exhausted.

Do you remember?


It was when I was 7 years old becoming a helpless child, I was dumbfounded.

Now, I've come to respect you fully.

That's a respect to you, right?

Even though it's embarrassing for the smallest child (youngest) who should support two elderly people with knowledge, (T/N: He meant that heroine is much more mature than the stepbros)


yet you keep continuing to encourage us to do our best without giving up.


There isn't any cool girl left like that in this world.

It was definitely thanks to you that we were rescued after that.

Even though I respected it enough, your actions after that. Furthermore, it stabbed

my chest in the end. (T/N: This is a metaphor, he meant that it touched so much that it stabbed his feelings)


Heh? Don't you remember this?

You must have been exhausted at that time.

You reached both your hands to us and held us.


It's gonna be alright. Big brother said it so.

The moment I heard that, the tears that I had endured since my mother died was dripping.


Look, dad wasn't the one who made us cried because he didn't care about anything happened about us.


It's not like that. It's not your fault that you exist.

From the beginning, it seems that our parents were married for political reasons (marriage of convenience) (T/N: He meant for their blood related parents)

My dad has never loved my mother. It seems that my mother loved him.

Anyway, we were able to express our emotions honestly for the first time after being hugged by you. Moreover,


we noticed it that you're a girl who has a great love to the sea.

Since that time, for us you are becoming the treated little sister.

You're blushing again.


If you're reacting with such adorable face like that, I will expect that you will

choose none other than me.

Eh? I'm sorry. Where did it hurt?

Did I hug you too tight?


Ah, I see.

Since we did nothing but that yesterday,

your pussy felt strange as I rubbed it on the place where you’re sitting, right?

I'm sorry for not noticing it, okay?

Then, sit on this jacket (to reduce the pain)


Hmm? What happened?

You were asking if I worried so much about your pussy?


Hahaha...You thought that it was so sweet of me as a man to worry such a thing?

I'm sorry for giving you an image of me as a scary man, okay? It's because you think that your sweet older (step) brother "Shuuya" is actually a perverted bastard.


I don't mind you saying such nasty words.

Because I am that kind of man.

Now, you need to do what I say or

I might've eaten you up here....


Is that okay for you?

Then, won't you sit down on this jacket?

Yeah, between my legs.


Then, lean on me.

That way, it's not cold and it ’s easier for you to sit down.


There, there. It's good that you're obedient.

Seeing your visible neck makes me aroused. Hahaha, I was joking! Joking!

I'm not thinking of attacking you.

Ah, but... The fact that you feel discomfort on your pussy,


it's not from the entrance that was hurt, right?

If you'd like,

let me examine it a bit, okay?

It's really just for a bit. I promise.


Umm... It's because...

It seems that my self-control will not work at home, right?

During the trial period, I have an agreement with Natsuki to prohibit going on a head start.


Even it's troublesome for me, you know?

That's why, please... I'm worried about your body...


It's alright. No one can see you here.

Thank you.

Then, spread your legs a little bit.


Just a little bit...

Hmm, that wide is alright.

First, I wonder if I should examine the clitoris. (T/N: Here we go, again)


Eh? That is... Because I need to examine, then I have to touch it directly, otherwise I won't understand what's going on, right?

Hahaha. It's too late for you to close your legs again now, so you can't do that!

Uh- oh! This way, you wouldn't be able to close your legs, right?


Maybe this is the first time that I'm glad having a pair of long legs.

Everything about you being worried is also cute for me.

Well then,

Then, let's start the medical examination! Um...

Even though I have not touched it, but it has already reacted a bit, eh.

Could it be, at the situation of being fingered from outside makes you aroused? Hmm?


It's really not that, huh? Shall I examine it while palpating it?

As long as I stroke it from the top, clitoris seems to be fine.

If there's anything to worry about,


Even though I'm just rubbing it gently, I wonder why it's already bulging like this...


Does it feel good when being rubbed like this?

If you don't tell me, I can't tell if it's normal or not. I'm gonna keep rub it.

Yeah. That's a relief to know that your clitoris still can feel


the pleasure.

Well, next... this entrance (vulva)...


It's alright. I'm not gonna put it in.

It's just stroking at the entrance

round and round


gently like this.


As it's not cut (no slit wound on it), I was relieved that it seemed to be any wounds there.

There's still a stinging sensation there, but maybe

I think that feeling has gone, I wonder...


Yeah, it really is.

Rather, considering this amount of love juice, maybe this is not enough and you want it so much to be put in.


So cute. Just from being rubbed at the entrance, but your body

is trembling so much...

Then, I wonder what would turn out if I rub both the clitoris and the vulva...


Hmm? You're saying that I can't do it? What on earth does that mean?

If it's not that, tell me like you did before...


How? What do you mean by "I can't do it" to you?

Eh? Because you're gonna come, huh? Then, it's actually fine, isn't it?


Since no one sees you, it doesn't matter if you come...

Come away as you please.


Look, holding back is not good your body, you know?

As you become dripping wet like this...

You want to come so much,

it's unbearable, right?


Come on, you're such a stubborn one.

Then, in order to make you honest, I'm gonna rub it a bit harder...


Hahaha, I also can't hold myself back here...

Your hips have been trembling so much since earlier...





Let me hear your adorable

voice when you come, I want to hear it so much...

Come on, come on...


It's incredibly jerking right here.

Your pussy that just came is so cute! It's so easy for me to enter.

However, I'm gonna hold myself back because I keep my promise.


Haah... That's a relief, thank goodness.

It seems that the sense of your pussy is normal. No need to worry.

I kept my promise seriously, right?

I haven't put my finger neither my dick inside you.


Ah! No, no, don't pinch my cheek!

Ah! I'm sowwy(sorry)... I reject, I went too far.

Your furious state is also so adorable! I like it (kisses).


Yeah, I love you, you know?

No matter how strong my cheek is pinched,

it won't change at all (my love to you).


My love for you will always grow every day just as the waves that never cease...


And also, if it's possible, I want you to return my love for you.

Hahaha, I got you.


You can't answer it for now.

Tomorrow, it's gonna be a date with Natsuki, right?


Then, I'll wait for you until it's over.

Hmm? Oh, it's my phone. I wonder if it's from Natsuki.

Ah, come on... It's from dad.


Yeah. It's okay to hang up the phone (cut the call).

After all, it's just a useless business.

Really, it's true.

That's why,


right now, just concentrate on kissing me.


(sound of waves indistinct)

Track 5『夏輝とのデート』A Date with Natsuki


N: Hey, was it really nice to end the date by going into this secret base (hide out)?

The sun will set soon. No, it's nothing bad, you know?


I was wondering if we could go to a place with a beautiful night view, but wanting to come here as you said kind of surprised me. Hahaha, that's right. This is a nostalgic place for us.

To tell the truth,


I've been wanting to come to this place.

Because I hope you can come here anytime as I've been the person in control (charge).



Looking at your reaction, it seems that the surprise is a success.


Yeah, it brings back the memories of when we were children.

When I found this ragged hut that no one used, everyone was so enthusiastic about fixing it.

Competing for (building) our secret base, as said.


Then, shall we go inside the hut?

Haha! Yeah! This is the 2nd surprise!

Because those guys said that sofa couldn't fit in precisely,


so I put it in yesterday.

Since it's visually new, it should be comfortable to sit on. Moreover, this sofa is also excellent as it can also be used as a bed.



right? What a nice sofa, isn't it?


This way, it's alright to attack you whenever.

It's just an example (analogy), you know?


What is it? You too, come sit down!

Here, it's the drinks. It's gonna loosen you up a bit but, this is the drink that you like.

Hmm? It's the drink that you like, right?

Of course, I remember it.


If I remember it correctly, it used to be your playhouse right here, right?

You said that you really wanted to play here no matter what (when heroines/ MC was a child).

Yeah, and then that's why I always had a fight with Shuuya to play the role of husband for you.


Hehe. But, I couldn't be your husband because I was weak at rock, paper, scissors game.

I was given the role of a child.

But at last, I didn't play the role as a child after all.

Because if I did, I wouldn't be able to kiss you, right?


That's why I decided to take the role of a pet dog.

No, it wasn't a dissatisfaction (complaint) for me.

If anything at that time, it was pretty fun to be called "a pooch" by you and to have my head stroked by you.


Don't call me an-M, idiot! (T/N: do-M or an m here means masochistic)

Well, anyway at that time...

I licked your shoulders playfully.

Then, I felt itchy around my crotch. (T/N: Say wha-)


Surprisingly, I had a wet dream the next morning.

In other words, I had my first ejaculation when I played the role of a pooch.


Hahaha. It's kinda disappointing to have a rumour about me like that.

Hahaha, what is it with you?

You're blushing just from something like this?


No. It's not the fault of the sunset. Even your ears are also getting red.

I unintentionally want to lick them.

Say, I...


I think that I can lick you better at that time.

I'd like you to experience it.



Don't lump me together with Shuuya with such a sulky face!

I am proudly declaring it (T/N: He meant that he said that he was better than Shuuya and he was proud to declare it)


I want to do the cunnilingus (oral sex).

I want to lick

up your pussy. (T/N: Why are we going so fast, step bro T.T)

Come on, I beg you...


My self restraint is no longer effective when I'm home,

I might end up putting it in carelessly, you know...

I don't want to enter you without your permission.

I want you to cooperate with me.

Eh? Shuuya also said the same thing?


Ggh- Hahaha.

Well, it's because we're siblings.


We're the same when it comes to the person whom we love.


Say, I beg you, come on...

Since we finally can be together, I'm so unbearably happy.

Really?! Yaay!


Then, make your body fall down over there quickly! (It's like throw yourself down there)

Well, it's okay for you to take off your pants. I mean, let me take it off for you.


This is bad (Damn)

I just saw it on a day before yesterday, but

seeing it again makes my dick become ecstatic.

Hehehe, don't tense up so much like that.


Don't lie!

I know it very well that you

are getting tense (nervous).

Rest assured because I will not hurt you.


I've been doing image training since the day before yesterday.

Even without Shuuya's advice,

I could


pleasure you well.


I love you. No matter how many times I say it,

it will never be enough.

Your pussy is so sexy.


Being exposed with my breath as it's twitching is adorable...


If you close your legs, I can't move freely, you know?

Spread your legs wider...


Ah... I couldn't keep myself back longer two days before, but...

This way...


pleasuring the clitoris with my lips extremely like this...

It feels better this way, no?


As expected, the love juice is overflowing so much...

Can I put my finger in?


Your melty face that's in pleasure is the most intriguing (inviting me so much).

I'm gonna stir up your inside. I'm gonna throw you down into more pleasure...


Surely, I rubbed at this strange (strange feeling) place gently...


Thank goodness. After all, it's this spot here, right?


I'm gonna pleasure your most pleasurable spot both inside and outside together...


Your inside is dripping yet shaking...

Are you gonna come soon?

Eh? Coming together with me, you said?


Well then, can you lie down on your face? (T/N: On fours)

Oh, it's okay. I won't put it in yet.

Yeah, like that. Close your thighs just like that.


Let me put it in between your thighs...


Intercrural sex...

The stimulation is not as much (only a little) as I thought, but this is unexpectedly good...


Look, doing it like this, pulling it out, pushing it in... (thrusts inside)


doing it from the back visually (prone bone sexual position) looks like that I'm embracing you...

It's arousing me so much!


Every time I thrust within, your butt is shaking like jelly... It's irresistible.


Hehehe, doing this with you too... Rubbing my dick on your clit feels good to you too, right?

It's getting wetter than earlier, it's sloppily wet...


Your hips are twitching, the state of you who would come is so

erotically cute.


I'm not teasing you.

Even for me, when I lick you, I am holding myself back.


Ah! This is damn dangerous for me!


Hey, it's getting hard inside you.

You're feeling it, right?


This feels damn good!


Aw, crap!

Seriously, I'm... already... gonna come!

Haaa.. you too, come for me...


I want us to come together.

I love you, I always, always


love you!


I'm also... coming!


I'm coming!


Turn your face over here...


I wanna kiss you.


Let us lie down for a while like this...

I still want to hold your body tight...


I mean, I've always wanted to do this kind of thing every night.

I was too into it (absorbed) in it, yet I didn't notice


Tonight, the stars are incredibly visible.


Speaking of the skylight is too. I tried my best to fix the hut so that the three of us could see the stars.

It brings back the memories.


Say, do you remember?

A long time ago, even


after your mother died of illness, since then, we both sat down and look

at the stars from here, just the two of us.


On that day, Shuuya didn't say what he wanted to see. Thereupon if unexpectedly you who are usually healthy but then die with me


then we could become one in that star.

then maybe we could meet our mother there, that's what he muttered.


That's why I... I see. You remember every word that I said.


Yeah, I told you that I'll tie you to my side no matter what effort that I use, but I will never admit it (our relationship if you don't return my feelings).


Then, you... Hahaha, and then I want to hear you say that you wanted to be the bride of Natsuki.


To be honest, I'm so ecstatic that I want to kiss you right away. I know that you wouldn't get the words that I said when you were 10 years old.


I'm not going back on what I said (I don't hesitate to make you my wife), that's the answer.

Even now, your smile at that time...


the image of it is burned to the back of my head.

You were laughing in the way like that (so adorable)

Then, "I want to be Natsuki's bride," you said (when heroine was 10 yo)

It really brings back the memories.

Because you cried after that, you don't really remember that part, somehow.

I said not to be sorry for that, come on.

It's natural to think that a childhood promise is unreliable.

Even if I understand that point, I will not give up.


I believe that you will come back for me to be my bride.


I will always wait for you.

Hey, there's no other entrance examination for you, right? (T/N: Bcs the heroine is a student in a university)


As I'm waiting for you during your examination, shouldn't it be okay for you to give me a reward soon?


The content of the reward is decided!

Please be my bride, and then...

I won't let you feel lonely again and I will protect you!


(Natsuki’s cell phone rings)

What the hell? Such a disturbance! At any rate if it's Shuuya, I-

25:24 What the- It’s the old man, huh?

Yeah, it's fine to hang it up (T/N: Both step brothers dislike their father so much, lol)

Anyhow, it's just a useless business.

Other than that, I want to treasure my time with you now.


Oh, no, this is bad. Since I want to do it again,

I'm gonna execute it.


Looking at it like this, my hands can reach anything I want. (T/N: I think he puts his hands up to the air, like wanting to reach the sky)


Oh, look! It's a shooting star! What do you wish for?



My wish? You're not allowed to hear my wish, you know?!


I wish you to be my wife, that's something that I wish for.

Track 6『どちらを選ぶ?』Which one do you choose?


N: I'm home!

S: Welcome home! Just at the right time that you got home, I've prepared you some foods!


I just need to warm them up later. N: Thank you as always.

S: You always say it, don't you?

Cooking for you guys is like my hobby.

There's no need to thank me.

Well then...


You two please sit down after you wash your hands. N: Yeah.

N: We're gonna wash our hands first, let's go!


I'm enjoying the afterglow of the date again at the end.


(Natsuki kisses heroine's left ear)

S: Natsuki, I know what you're doing generally! You're forbidden to get a head start (flirting with the heroine) because the date is over!

N: Tch... ah! Fine, I get it!


(tap water is turned on, they wash their hands)

N: Yeah, you go ahead first!


S: You're gonna help by carrying? Hehe, thank you!

S: Before that, I'd like to ask you something, come over here.


No, it's a simple request.

I'm asking to let me kiss you like Natsuki did as a head start earlier.



N: Hey! I didn't kiss her that long!

S: I wonder...

Not only did I feel that the kiss with this girl was too good and the time was short, right?


N: Before Shuuya did, I didn't mean it like that!

S: Okay, okay.

For the time being, shall we eat? Let's talk about the important thing after we eat.


N: That's right.

S: Then, you two can have these plates. N: Yeah.


S: Well then, let's eat!

N: Let's eat (I receive this meal).


N: Ahh... I'm full, I'm full!

S: Hey, Natsuki! You can't just lie down on the sofa after you finish eating! I always keep telling you that, don't I?


N: You two hurry up, come here so I won't sleep! S: Oh, good grief...



Shall we sit down on the sofa? It's more relaxing when we talk face to face, no?


S: Speaking of, today's drama- (TV drama) N:

I'm not good at beating around the bush, so let's get straight to the point!

S: Um, well... First, let us relax... N: I'm so restless that I can't talk of anything else!

S: Men who can't afford to calm down are the disliked ones, you know? N: You shut up! Even though you're the one who's dying to listen quickly! S: Ah...


You've got a point. N: Well, how did it turn out?

Have you decided which one to choose?


S: Sorry for not being able to give you time to choose. But to be honest, I also can't say it either.

I've been nervous too.

But when it's already the time for you to give an answer, I'd like to hear it if it's possible.


Surely, if you answer neither one of us is alright.

If that's the case, we will do our best to back away.

Right, Natsuki? N: Oh, yeah.


T-that's right.

S: No matter what your answer will turn out to be, I will love you forever.


N: Me too. I will love you until I die.


(tick... tock... tick... tock...) (T/N: The answer will continue on each extra track, it depends on your choice, you can choose either Shuuya or Natsuki or both of them)

~to be continued to 3 endings~

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